Ulog # 20: Starting My Fourth Job At My Third Employer

in #ulog6 years ago

Hello, people of Steemit. I haven’t made an Ulog in quite a while, forgive me for the brief hiatus.

I recently transferred to a different department and position within the same Company, it’s a long-winding story how it ended up that way, a story that, in all honesty, even I cannot yet tell myself completely. In the end, it boils down to a principle and a choice. The principle that human life is fragile, and mankind owes it to himself to try as many times as he need until he eventually finds somewhere he can call worthy, and a choice, a choice to make choices that will allow him to try as many times as we need, to choose honesty and bravery so that we never need lie. That sounds a bit vague, but, if you know me personally, we can discuss it more thoroughly in person. 😂

This, used to be my first desk when I arrived at the Company.


It’s comfortable and spacious enough, I liked it initially because it was tucked away in a corner away from most of the hubbub. Also shown in the picture is the laptop assigned to me; we have a bit of an ongoing feud, its specs are okay but IT KEEPS ON LAGGING! Anyway, yeah.

Over time though it became apparent that staying in that position was liable to turn me into a human popsickle, the cold from thw AC was oppressive. So, I decided to transfer to the other table. One just as tucked away and not quite as spacious as the first one but atleast I wasn’t freezing cold.


I stayed there longer than my stay at the first table, I liked that quiet corner. But now that the transfer is effective, I was assigned to a temporary table:


A few things were apparent to me on the first day:

  1. The table is quite smaller (I actually kinda like it.)
  2. PC keyboards are so much harder than laptops (see image below).
  3. The PC had no speakers yet (well, I kinda got used to playing music from the laptop).
  4. The chair was broken (the mechanism that would allow me to adjust the height was broken).
  5. I liked the broken chair, I could play with it like a rocking chair.

Also, one of the shift keys on the keyboard wasn’t working well. I use that button quite often, so to remind myself to use the other button instead of that, I placed a band-aid over it:


I couldn’t stand not having music, so I sought out IT’s help on the matter. The IT supervisor lent me his speakers since no Company-owned ones were available yet. So now I get to blast my favorite tunes over and over and over again (and hope those around me don’t eventually tire of the repitition).


The thing is, I’m still 23 years old, I started working when i was 19 years old, so that’s a sum of four working years. And this one is my fourth job so if any HR was reviewing my file they would raise an eyebrow at the pace at which I switched jobs. But like I say, we’re all just in a pursuit of happiness, whether we like it or not, our jobs take up a lot of time in our lives. Which is why, I’m still an idealistic fool who’s trying to find a job that I fee will be worthy pursuits.

So far the new position is okay to me. The people are never a problem, everyone there is wonderful. I like how it’s still somewhat tucked into a corner. The broken chair allows me to remain unseen to those who will look my way, plus, it’s like a rocking chair (!). It remains to be seen whether I’ll stay rocking that chair for a long while.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed reading! And I hope school/career is going well, whichever is applicable.Till next #ulog! Aja! cartwheels towards my desk

All photos are mine taken with an Iphone SE.
