“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
It's hurt to know people you trust are not worth it, it's hurt to know that people you trust and think that they are reliable are nothing but cheap liars and foes.

You See, trust is not a matter of techniques but of character. It is true that not everyone can be trusted so you have to be very care to who you give your trust to otherwise when it's a wrong person then you will generously regret it. People who you give your trust to really matters.
At a point in time, I thought trusting people is just believing what they say or what they do. Yes! Those points are partially accepted to an extent but not until I was bruised and smashed on the ground on what I know nothing about, Accusing me for what I never did, all in the name of trust, not until I was cheated on and neglected because I thought it could never happen.
This hit me real hard because when I trust I believed there are certain thing the people I trusted can/ will never do no matter what. But it's painful to see this people doing what you least expected from them.
Before trusting anyone be sure you can bear the consequences when it's comes out negatively, and at the point of given out your trust, be sure you're in the right state of mind.
When trusting people, take enough time to think about it and don't make important decisions on impulse. Be it an investment with business partners, changing of job, in relationships, etc. Mull over the benefit, cost and disadvantages of what your about to do.
Use your wise mind!!!
Trust is one of the most powerful tools. One can either make or break a person,Trust is built and maintained by many small actions over time.Trust is like a vase, once it's broken, though you can fix it, the vase will never be same again.
Be wise with whom you share your trust with.
Once again, trust no one even you shadow leaves you in darkness
But if it is a must to trust, think before you do.
"Trust is like blood pressure. It's silent, vital to good health, and if abused it can be deadly." -- Frank Sonnenberg, author of Follow Your Conscience.
Thanks for stopping by see you next time. I remain your cutie cupcake @lollybella