ULOG: Create Handcrafts Out Of "Quotes By @surpassinggoogle" #1

in #ulog7 years ago (edited)

This morning I was encouraged by my @yadah04 to participate in @samic’s Create Handcraft post.

I hope I am not yet too late.

My turn

She said she had fun doing it, her patience tested. I asked what should I use? She showed me @samic’s post and from there my mind started working.

Coincidentally, I was at my daughter’s play room fixing the mess she had made this morning. Then it hit me.

My creativity tested

Thanks to his project/activity, my brain was squeezed. Creative juices please come out. Lol.

Here is what I got:

I used the torn calendar page as a canvass.

I borrowed by daughter’s magnetic letter toys, lego blocks, even her ponytails, necklaces and what-nots. She was in school while i was doing this project so I am free to do as I wish. Lol.

I also used chalk for those others.



Whew! Writing down that “@surpassinggooggle” is really challenging to make. Glad I still was able to surpass the challenge. That was what came up out of it.


Hope you liked it.

Thanks @samic for the opportunity to test our creativity and patience with this project.

My @yadah04 was right, it was fun making this. I felt fulfilled having seen the result of what I did. And I liked it.

Thanks for reading my #ulog for today.

This post was made from https://ulogs.org


Your brain was really squeezed and the juice is fantastic. The quote looks wonderful and now your daughter's toys and accessories speak.
Mountains of thanks for joining this activity
I hope to see you in the next activities, we will continue posting through ulogs.org and the editor for these activities is ulog-surpassinggoogle.

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