Freedom in Forgiveness

in #ulog6 years ago

Have you ever been broken, broken by hurt?
Have certain experiences made you mean?
Do you find it difficult to trust again?
Do you view the world through the eyes of despair?

   There's Freedom in Forgiveness. 


Not everyone is strong enough to forgive the hurt of others and move on with life smoothly when the scars are visible, glaring enough to remind one of those experiences. These hurts turn us into monsters we do not tend to become towards people. These experiences shape our minds, make us see with the lenses of brokenness and pain, through despair. We run out of answers to the many questions about us on the integrity of man; his loyalty and trust that we become ever so careful with those who come into our lives with pure intentions. We let the past ruin present relationships while denting the future.

Forgiveness is Strength.
Forgiveness is divinity in humanity.
Forgiveness is wholeness.
Forgiveness is you.

There are three types of Forgiveness

  1. Forgiving those who hurt you.
  2. Forgiving those you hurt.
  3. Forgiving your own hurts.

To forgive, it first starts with you accepting the hurt, no blame games, taking responsibility for the wrong done and acknowledging the wrong. Second, breathe, yes breathe, breathe out; exhale the hurt ; meditate if need be to relax your nerves. Take deep breaths. Third, confess the wrong, the hurt to yourself and talk. Talk to yourself, let out whatever emotions and pent up anger you have within - say it out loud to your hearing. Fourth, affirm. Affirm positive thoughts to yourself, talk yourself into forgiving that person, the hurt made, the mistakes taken, affirm. Lastly be open, let your mind be free set it loose from its grip. Be open to people again, be open to ideas and let the association and communication flow.

Flee brethren, flee from retaliation of any kind. Remain calm, fight the urge to pay back the offender in his coin. It does no good rather it creates and brings enmity.




To Err is human ; To forgive divine.