Ulog Fog? - Ulog Day 3
Heard about it?
But don't really KNOW about it?

Simple. It's so simple and yet so effective. How so?

There are all kinds of posts on Steemit. My absolute favorite are the posts that move me. Information is power, and data is educational - but I want to meet YOU. I want to see how information affect YOU, how life meets YOU. Show me something in your post that connects my heart to yours - across the world. Make me want to know you more. Lure me into your reality. Touch me in a way that affects me.

If your life is the subject, then who better to share the details with the Steemiverse? Many people who write on Steemit feel ill-equipped to write as an authority on a subject. They're intimidated, they're resistant, and they procrastinate. They feel like they need to do tons of research before they can begin to write for Steemit. With Ulogs - they have all the information that they need to start RIGHT NOW.

Why not give it a try? No obligation, no disadvantage, no reason not to!
❤️ If you do... tag me in a comment on your Ulog, so I can come visit!❤️
Yay - @dreemsteem the Ulogger - I look forward to following all your Ulogs too. I've been playing with the tag as it was one of the very first things I read up on when I got here... but in typical 'me' fashion, haven't committed to Ulogging as part of my regular content here on Steemit. Maybe it's time to make it a part of my daily plan and join the revolution!
E x
do it! do it! do it! hehehehehe
Okay then- I will!! 😁
Ahhh, so it really is that easy? Was wondering about that too, haha. Might do one every now and then but I know I'm not good at doing things EVERY day, so it's a VERY cautious commitment, lol.
You don't have to do one everyday! :) Just begin... and enjoy it. that's what's most important.
What I like about it - is that when you're writing a formal post - people have to read between the lines to find "you"
but this is designed to just have you be front and center! :) so we get to see you without digging to deeply! hehehehe
I'd love to hear about your day! All the little (and big) details that make you who you are <3
Thanks for explaining that , because I also had no idea about it and always wanted to know. But I still keep saying ulog rocks
try it :) make a very interesting ulog for us all to get to know you! :)
Ha right , will try that soon. Thanks mate.
sounds wonderful! looking forward to it... if you do - feel free to tag me in the comments and i'll come to read! hehehe
Surely , done. You can follow my posts in case I forget to tag. Thanks for the encouragement. Keep encouraging by all ways you can. Do have a look at my post, if u get tym.
I am hoping that you found a good sock puppet or do one of those awesome video presentation you have like what you did with The Welcome Wagon what's important is we get what Ulogs means to you and of course hearing your awesome voice hahaha
Do you know I actually went out to find a cute sock puppet???? Lololol I might just have to make one!!!! Lololol today I will try one more time to FIND one... Lolol and then... Crafting time :)
I am looking forward to it then!! It would be awesome for everyone to hear your voice and explain Ulogs.
This comment was made from https://ulogs.org
I will try!!!! Lol
Try my very best hehehe
This seems like a thing I have to try :D
It's totally fun!!!! Hehehe @snook was right!!! At first I thought.. who will care what I write about my day? And then I just HAD FUN writing about my day and didn't worry about what anyone else thought heheheh
It's a really awesome way to just talk about things that are important to you and let others get a tiny peek into your life 😊
I can't wait to see yours @zen-art!!! ♥️
Welcome to Ulogs, @dreemsteem !
Thanks @bloghound! :)
Very well said/posted @dreemsteem. LOve the thought and everything, its clear and that's the best thing to do Ulogging and have it yourself, enjoy and have fun (no headaches upon searching and no rooms for plagiarism) THANKS for the share and God bless
thank you so much!!! I think that's exactly right.... have fun and enjoy yourself!
and i really like that Ulog says it best "you are the celebrity. we are your fans" hehehehe tantalize us with fun details of your life! :)
I just jumped onto this bandwagon today; good work over here!
Nice job!!!! I will stop by your page and check our your ulog!!! 😊
Thanks. Looks like I'll be doing it again today.
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I finally now understand what it is. Been pondering on what it is and how it's done for days now. Thanks a million.
great!!! if you do one - tag me in the comments so i can come read! :)
Sure I will. Thanks once again.
What good information, seen this label and my attention, I will start to investigate more to use it
awesome! hehehe it's been really fun to do!
if you try it - tag me in your comment section and I'll come visit!
upvote for me please? https://steemit.com/news/@bible.com/6h36cq