Ulog#9 - Mint Tea and Self Care

in #ulog7 years ago (edited)

How Do You Take Your Tea??

For some years now Mint Tea has been very comforting to me! I have always loved peppermint, It is the only gum flavour I chew and toothpaste flavour I use, so really no surprise when I started drinking mint flavoured tea! I can drink mine black, with a little sugar or with sugar and milk! It is delicious!

My life is a bit of a whirlwind right now... Contractions everyday that are stopping, Health not doing the greatest while trying to raise 2 very energetic children on my own over summer break.

Everyone Preaches self-care.

"Take a Bubble bath"
"Listen to your fave music"
"Go for a walk"
"Meditate and pray"

Or my favourite - because glamourizing alcoholism is great!

"Drink some wine"


These are all things that people do on a daily basis to take care of themselves.. Yes... but when you're in a rut taking care if yourself is the last thing on your mind.. not to mention you're already doing all of the above because it is already daily practice for you.

Sometimes reaching out isn't always met with the expectations we have of support either, Which then makes it even harder to do so when you really need to.

What are some things you guys do when you are stuck in a rut? Besides the obvious?