ulog # 8 - Is this what breathing feels like?

in #ulog7 years ago

Am I all better?

I really shouldn't be saying this out loud, or typing it in case I jinx it. As I explained in my other ulogs I have not been well this week at all. Today was the first day in a week I actually ate solid foods without choking to death the entire time, you know, because I am stubborn and totally tried several times when I was told liquid diet! LOL

I actually felt like .. infected.. for a couple of days, it was so gross, my nose was pouring snot etc... oh but you know the cause of it is because I am over weight and at the end of my pregnancy.. quacks. I am certain I had viral at this point now. I had a nice Himalayan salt bath... soaked for quite a while and I feel much better.

Tomorrow is the baby doctor appointment and we should know much more about the progression and when she will be arriving... I think after this week I can say it should be any time now... but really.. it's in Gods hands right?