Ulog # 6 - What a F*ckin week!
Can It Be Over Now?
( excuse the blurry pic, old crappy phone)
Honestly This week has been INSANE!
SO after my birthday, the weekend went okay, was petty chill. Then this week has been craziness! Contractions started and kept me up all night, hospital Wednesday... Dubbed early labour.. no changes... Okaayyy.. So I can either advance quickly (which I havent) or be in the state for several weeks.... WOO HOO! NOT. I look so much smaller then I did carying the boys! I think that she sits spine to spine with me.. most times I can do some yoga and my belly seems bigger hopefully this won't complicate things for delivery.
Thursday morning at around 4:30am I woke up CHOKING on ...? Only God knows.... I thought it was mucus but it seemes to be my own throat. Universal healthcare is not all it is cut out to be, let me tell you! They didn't do SHIT they stuck me in a room and left me there for 4 hours until John was like nope lets go, no one has come to check on you to see if you have gotten worse etc and we went to a walk in clinic... she dubbed it obesity and pregnancy....
Which if you have no idea what this is, like myself until this happened, it is the flap in the throat that opens and closes for air/food and determines which goes where.... pretty important for this sucker to function properly. I was told to sleep sitting up and eat liquids and hopefully once the baby gets here it will go away.... Like no checking for infection... nothing. You're fat and pregnant bitch get outta here.
I have successfully had rice and oatmeal, some soft cookies and small pieces of cheese and bread... as long as it is soft enough for me to mush up before swallowing.
Breathing through my mouth only is awkward AF! Also the getting into a proper position where I can breathe at night in bed has not been easy...
Today was My youngest sons birthday party, He turns 7 tomorrow! I have NO idea how the hell that happened so quickly!
Born July 22nd 2011 - Atticus entered the world at 2:01 am... 7pounds 3 oz
7 years later and he has grown into such a crazy human! he has a strong personality which will get him far in other places in life, just not to me LOL! This picture was taken last week at our church family night! He got to hold a tarantula. He is brave!

Did all these votes come form people who follow the ulog tag but missed my other ones because they were videos and used the Dlive tag first?
mine comes from me reading.
Glad to hear you are feeling able to breathe.
I'm not a doctor, but rumor has it, that's important.
LOL RIGHT?!? I thought so too but I guess it's not too concerning to the doctors since they didn't do anything