My First Ulog - I am grateful to have been born in my country (Venezuela)

I am grateful to have been born in my country (Venezuela), a unique country where its people are beautiful, honest, hardworking and forward working women, worthy of being admired with a very special leadership capacity in addition to their great charisma....
people who fall and rise up and even if the circumstances are not the best, we face everything in a positive way, always looking for the good side of things, helpful, kind, dedicated, unloving and always helping others... above all, we are authentic and, as the man who sells the trays in the street says, unique and original.
Today the circumstances are not the best but we are confident that with the help of God our father will rise up, we are not the ones who lose faith we know that with hard work and dedication we will make our country a better one.
I share with you a little piece of this beautiful song for my country: I always want to wake up in your arms of sheets that stretch out without rest.
Have fun running around with my kids.
There is no toy that matches our fields
I just want to get OLDER among your flowers.
your women who melt hearts
celebrate with four, harp and drums
with work, better times will come.
Venezuela I have in you my illusions
"what more can I ask for in my country? I have everything desert, jungle, snow and beach"