ULOG 3: End of the Weekend

in #ulog7 years ago
It feels good to look back on how I spent my weekend and realize that I have been productive but I was also able to get enough rest. I must say this is one of the most perfect weekend I have this year. And I hope to have more weekends like this in the future.

  • I met with one of my close friend and we watched Antman and The Wasp. Great movie by the way. No boring moments and the ending was so unexpected. If you haven't watched it yet, I say its worth every penny.

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  • I also met someone and I finally did the plunge. I don't want to jinx it so I won't give too much details but the decision I made was somewhat scary but it really makes me super excited and scared at the same time. Finally, I had the courage to chase my dream.

So my Quote of the Day:

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... is inspired by what I did today. Time to sleep and recharge for next days work.


This post was made from https://ulogs.org


This weekends runaway so fast.

I agree! It seems like Friday was just yesterday. More weekends please. haha