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RE: UK TV VOICEOVER, please just talk next programme, less on the club mystery

in #uk6 years ago (edited)

** I have just retyped this paragraph in approximation from memory after I pressed save but it did not save-screen refreshed and it did not show. But I retype.. We have been suckered from abroad. In the old days, companies and services in Britain provided full names. That was the sign of trust. Nowadays they assume either a false unestablished(thus false) friendship or adopt a total nondisclosure stance. Getting any recourse when unhappy has been set to trying to wade through quicksand. They can lie, deter and do nothing, and leave you thinking 'too much effort.' . Honour, honesty, integrity, gone. It works when an air of honesty exists or has been made to exist as in abroad, and in cases where it hasn't, they have payed out of it though I feel the reason they have paid out of it was to maintain it so they could SUCKER us in. Why... their reach is greater than a lot realise-we make a nice playground for mischief I guess.. I'm sure the governor of the Bank of England would agree... Talking too much 'supposition', not really, I suggest you start looking further than the end of your nose.. thinking further than it too. Deaths, airliners, stupid economics, public nuisances in business/life, 'get riches' done legitimately(large scale) when people only needed to think but why , monopolies, buyouts. There is no mass dislike here which may be their intention for others to assume, I can identify and point out accused when asked, as their actions make it easy to do..**I have just typed all this between asterixes out when I pressed save and it did not show what I typed. That is now back showing again. Thought I'd post it as a reply instead as I have just wasted my time as no need to insert