UGC NET Admit Card 2021 Know the Latest Exam Dates!!

in #ugcnet3 years ago

The admit card is an extremely important document that you’d have to carry to your exam hall, without which you wouldn’t be granted entry. That’s because it is taken to be the only document ratifying your eligibility to sit for the exam on the day of the same, by the NTA.

That said, the admit card has important details about you such as your name and application number, your subject, date of exam, name and address of the exam centre, important instructions, and time & shift of exam.

Check all the important details related to the UGC NET Admit Card and the steps to download

UGC NET Important Exam Dates 2021

The Exam dates for the merged December 2020 & June 2021 Cycles have been postponed yet again. The NTA will let us know the dates soon. This is as per the latest notice released by NTA on 09th October 2021. Earlier the exam dates were from 17th to 25th October 2021.

The earlier exam dates have been updated thrice since the notification came out for the 2021 UGC NET exam on the 10th of August 2021, but hopefully this time the dates are final.

As mentioned before, the latest exam date update has happened due to some other national level exams scheduled to happen at the same time as the previous UGC NET exam dates.


*TBA – To Be Announced

The timings of the examination are as below:

First Shift: 09:00 am – 12:00 pm
Second Shift: 03:00 pm – 06:00 pm



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