NTA UGC NET 2022 Hall Ticket (Admit Card)

in #ugcnet3 years ago (edited)

The admit cards for the UGC NET exams are normally released a fortnight to ten days before the exam date.

The UGC NET admission cards, on the other hand, can be downloaded from the NTA’s official website at any time between the date of publication and the exam day.

When it comes to the physical aspect or form in which the admit card must be brought to the exam halls, you must have a printed copy of your admit card with you. Details such as your name and application number will be printed on your admission card.

As a result, it is critical that you download and print your UGC NET admit card, as the exam authorities will only accept paper copies of it.

To put things in perspective, the UGC NET admit card will effectively serve as your admission pass to sit your UGC NET exam by certifying your presence in the UGC NET exam hall.

With that said, let’s take a look at the UGC NET admit card release dates for 2021.

UGC NET Admit Card 2021 Release Date

From November 13th, 2021 forward, admit cards for the 2021 UGC NET Exam (i.e., December 2020 Cycle + June 2021 Cycle combined) have been distributed.

It’s also worth noting that the UGC admit cards for 2021 were released in stages. On November 13, 16, and 25, 2021, the first phase of admit cards, which included majority of the exams, was distributed.

Then, on December 21, 2021, the Phase 2 admit cards for exams such as Bengali, Kannada, Hindi, Sanskrit, and Home Sciences were released.

On the 21st of December 2021, the admit card for the Phase 2 Kannada paper was still not released. Despite the fact that NTA issued an official announcement on the 2nd of January 2022 saying that the Kannada exam will be held on the 4th of January 2022, and that the admission card for the same was also issued on the 4th of January 2022, the Kannada exam was not held.

After that, on December 29, 2021, admit cards for Phase 3 were released for the four subjects (Social Work; Labour Welfare/Personnel Management/IR/Labour and Social Welfare/HRM; Odia, Telugu) of Phase 1 (which were cancelled due to Cyclone Jawad) and two subjects (Geography & Sociology) of Phase 2 (which were cancelled due to cyclone Jawad).

To help you understand the dates better, I have tabulated the information below:

Exam EventsImportant DatesPhase 113, 16 & 25 November 2021Phase 221 December 2021 and 4 January 2022Phase 329 December 2021NTA UGC NET Exam Dates20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29,30 November 2021, & 01, 03, 04, 05, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30 December 2021 [(Postponed in a few cities of Odisha & Andhra Pradesh) 4 & 5 Jan 2022]

Now, that you know the dates of the 2021 UGC NET admit cards, it’s time to go over to the process of downloading the UGC NET Admit Card.

UGC NET 2021 Admit Card — Steps to Download

The methods for downloading the UGC NET admit card are nearly identical every year, therefore we may anticipate that they will be the same in 2022.

Also, you need have a few facts with you before beginning the NTA NET admit card download steps, such as your Application Number and Password. You won’t be able to download your admission card until you have these two items. In case you forget these details, I’ve included instructions for retrieving them in the next section.

Check all the important details related to the UGC NET Admit Card and the steps to download it.
