12 August is The International Youth Day: My message to the youth

in #uganda7 years ago (edited)

youth.jpgInternational Youth Day (IYD) is an awareness day designated by the United Nations. The purpose of the day is to draw attention to a given set of cultural and legal issues surrounding youth. The first IYD was observed on 12 August, 2000. yoth guest of honour.jpgMinster for Kampala Betty Namisango Kamya signs a banner during youth day celebrations at M,akerere University Freedom square

Under the theme, Running for safe spaces, The youth Equality Center in partnership with AfriYAN organisations organized youth day celebrations on the 11th of August at the Makerere University Freedom square. The event was attended by the Minister for Kampala; Betty Namisango Kamya. There were fun Competitions involving; a run by young people, Live events run by youth and youth directed stakeholders, Entertainment including but not limited to Poetry, spoken word artists, live performances from upcoming and renowned youth groups,performing artists among others
youth marathon.jpgyouth warm up before the marathon
youth set off.jpgYouth set off from Makerere freedom Square

Nationally, the celebrations were held in Mpigi district. The presedent of Uganda H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni was recognized by the youth for keeping peace and security in the country. See details here yowerimuseveni3-650x478.jpgyouth award museveni with a medal

My message to the youth

Young people’s active citizenship and participation in governance can provide significant value-added for the fulfilment of government commitments, particularly at national and local levels.
Young people, as citizens, have a relationship with the state and as such are entitled to hold the state – and its decision-makers – accountable for their duties and performance.

They should be included in decision-making processes, particularly on issues that affect their lives directly (e.g. the need to invest in quality education), as
well as on broader issues that affect their communities (e.g. fighting corruption or ill-use of state resources, which has a bearing on all aspects of public life and service delivery).

Young people’s participation refers to the way in which they voice their views and
concerns, exercise their rights, and engage in dialogue with and influence decision-makers – that is, the way they engage as active citizens.

As articulated above, this involvement has intrinsic value in terms of respecting young people’s right to participate in decisions that affect them. But it also has instrumental value in the sense of the knowledge and credibility that young people bring to governance dialogues and their development as active citizens, today, and as participative adults later in life.you.jpg




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Am seeing youth giving mzee a medal for keeping peace.