JoG writes a card : happy new year (with a christmas tree from Syria)

in #tyrnannoght3 months ago (edited)

Well , it hasnt been fully tested since the beetle department is on holiday but we felt like it has to be out before next year

ofourse also a whatever you would like if it doesnt get in our way-year to the steemers that hold on @darsico, @simonjay, @wakeupkitty, @papa-pepper , and everyone else je weet wel wie je bent (but maybe we dont since trafalgar is clearly trafalgar no more heheh

So we'll put the stuff up on demozoo ( ) Janes OnderGrond , probably later on pouet and a section on the website

but later - the vid is uploading atm - if no one watches it the joy of making it is ours no fucks given and

dinner is served, gtg, demozoo will have to wait until we fit the prg into the .d64 file

from the devlog

  • 2024 12 31 ... i think thats as glitchless as it'l get this year ... a fine achievement for a 5th prod64, we feel slightly not meh ... everyone has the right to an opinion ...
    ... but we only accept critism in the form of "here's 64kb full in TRSE only using 48 sprites and no matrices but custom effects and this is how we do it better , eat shit and die" about this one ...
    ... some dir art and after next cycle a few more bits one sid tune and i guess thats enough for super'24, ... if you're looking for the christmas tree ? its there : we took one from Syria, the reindeer are from Ukraine
    ... merry christmas ...
    ... happy new year
    ... ofcourse : what do WE know ? ...

so what do we have ...
we have :

Parse time: 1.1s . Assemble time: 3.0s . Assembled file size: 63246 bytes.
Build Successful! ( 9.9s )
Compiled 4585 lines of Turbo Rascal to 10933 lines of assembler instructions (and variables/labels)
Post-optimized away 878 lines of assembler instructions ( 8 % of total )

we have :

Parse time: 1.1s . Assemble time: 3.0s . ( 34 % of original size )
Original file size: 63246 bytes.Crunch time: 9.2s Assembled file size: 21979 bytes.
Build Successful! ( 19.4s )
Compiled 4585 lines of Turbo Rascal to 10933 lines of assembler instructions (and variables/labels)
Post-optimized away 878 lines of assembler instructions ( 8 % of total )

we have :

2 character sets
16+45+64 sprites
12:40 of sid

we have :

$0000-$0810 : zeropage, ultimax + low screen space which is here mostly used to cache variables
$0810-$3FC4 : code block 1 (at time of writing $3e bytes free)
$4000-$4400 : spritebar3.bin
$4400-$4800 : screenspace2 : bitmap display + lower part used for stored transition parts
$4800-$5000 : rezr.bin ("name" space ?=lol?) character set (what we like to call "hardware tilemaps")
$5000-$6000 : spritebar3+.bin full
$6000-$7F40 : got_data.bin : bitmap data ... some bytes free i guess since we shoveled a few arrays elsewhere
$8000-$8800 : rezr0.bin : character set
$8C00-$A82E : sid tune ... at time of writing wed like to add and mod a few bars even if we feel like proper arrangement might need like two more weeks given time and physical and mental condition sinewaves
$A82E-$A844 : spriteanimtable for jog tunnelcat
$AF30-$B4C0 : tables and arrays (give or take a few bytes due to shoveling perhaps)
$B4C0-$C000 : spritebar3-.bin
$C000-$D000 : text and colors for "billboard"
$D000-$E000 : .... (no idea if any of that is user-persistent useable during execution of anything at all)
$E000-$E7D2 : bitmap color data
$E800-$FF0D : @KERNALWASTESPACE/code block 2

... times up - im sure in bare ACME one could cram a lot more into it but this is slightly not meh for the 5th prod featuring Leeloo multiplex ... i say ole chum

advisor bo ?

shiva @ ganesha ?

last years and before stuff ?


we stick to our statements : the world is inevitably heading for collapse by 2050, supply/demand, equilibrium, entropy, formation of stars & planets but mostly human behaviour as a constant since 10k recorded years having very little chance of changing in the next 15

keeps us to believe that

1 is india getting spacemines
2 is musk becoming prez after buying a seat and whipping the country into modern slavery under the guise of national pride
3 is the vorlons landing, we dont see the russians or uncle Xi hack it atm
4 ... the arab boss prince is a variable which is beyond beyond omega , we would need to talk with the guy or at least view him a day up close to have any clue as a betazoid hybrid from the catstar

so .. in essence

its fucked

might as well make demos

and write that game the kid always wanted

oh 1 more

1 ) all expressions-of-JoG above 16bit are probably best viewed on 4k (or 1080p) but certainly uHDr screens or you might miss the inhaling galaxy and other very fine dots (that means :"dont watch the youtube vids, DOWNLOAD the program and run it, but ofcourse if you dont trust it then dont) the youtube vids kill high definition and detail all the time

  1. we dont reply anyone since we decided to stay away from humans, its nothing personal we just dont check it anywhere anymore

  2. ... its time to cycle, sadly its not an act in '25 either