Get yours now before it never happened

in #tyrnannoght2 months ago (edited)

We dont live in the world of humans anymore but just like Lex Luthor and Dark Tony Stark taking the helm on 400 million Homer Simpsons this one was almost impossible to miss ... on (what we consider) trusted channels

Now, before we

this video is just one but we think anyone who wants to should get it before jealous corporate technocracy does what they accuse the other side of and it disappears from the western internet unless very specific searches are made ...

Everyone does as they want with it this is not advice or pro or antipaganda

Just a few words :

  1. getting your trillion dollar ass handed by someone who took 5 million while you're high on your own supply must really hurt , as well as the fact that this puts a bit of a shiner on the "made in china label" ...

  2. whatever the chinese intention was behind open sourcing this to the whole planet, the fact remains that its a leveller , an opportunity for small fry and perhaps options for the future

  3. If by now all the white-, red- and blackhats on the planet who have been dissecting it havent found a backdoor i wouldnt take too much heed of whatever anti-paganda the western technocracy comes up with, its probably safer than installing windows unless your local hat says it aint

  4. as those who are of the catstar we look back at this kindly from our kindergarten past in your future in a distant galaxy. Sucks to be a stranded alien in a primitive culture that probably wont make it to kardashev -1 ... but this is basically an entry point the the global de-centralized cumulative layer pinnacle direction learning where all but the upper layer are datablocks immutably connected ran on nodes across the planet so no one gets the upper bias and the thing it has on humans is that everything from the bottom layer stays immutable so "memories" will never be colored ... ofcourse, this is a governmental and corporate nightmare so if anyone has Satoshis number its time to call them again but you can expect more resistance than they did to BTC

... thats all

do with it what you want

hmmm ... :)

Prime directive , sweetie ...

in an advanced culture where intellectual integrity has evolved to a point where the need to be governed no longer exists it doesnt matter if there is enforcement ...

however, in this case one might say this is something the primitive culture came up with themselves ... even if they havent even passed the concept geopoliticals borderlining mentality

which means intellectual integrity to the point that there is no need to be governed is


further away than spacemines

on that part , we (the cat star) think the biggest chance goes to either China or (hold your panties!) the Saudis .. at this point in spacetime but even uncle Xi is too busy on theories of "breed more to save the pension fund" and what goes on in the mind of the Saudi boss ?

sssaa ....

one thing you should ask your Tyson or other spheres and circles : will the mines replenish through Jesus before the next big bang ... could you put a number on it please ? statistical chance from a scientific point of view

so even this wont matter since matter cant be simply transformed into anything from anything , run out of PCBs its over, go amish, erosion will get you, stay stuck on the planet = the human species is already extinct today at some point in the future, inevitably


now we get back to the prime directive i think

you should not heed the ramblings of a mad man


but you can


we called captain kirk already ,he said you cant have the replicator ...

prime directive, sweetie ...

so you better run FAST