Apshai-like with"noknown"-elements

in #tyrnannoght2 days ago

truly an odd world it is - i wonder if its a total de and remake from the tabletop game they used to play

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from the dLOG at https://retrofans.janesondergrond.art/MFpga/

20250319 :
Taverns of Crud ... "everything your inner kid wanted Apshai to be" ... and more , I SAY, such an inspiring programmature ...
My first few characters quickly met their demise on entering some subterranean dungeon or trying to lift something from someones house (dont mess with the blacksmith) ... A few runs down this "slinger" type seems to have gotten it down :
1) Accidentally murder the whole starting town (tis to say two ncps were fighting and when i came back from an outing killing wet fish who dont bite back from a distance i picked up their remains and whats on it , now THIS upset the town-cat (a "glow"cat : if you pet it you start glowing ... stranger things have happened) who promptly started attacking me and for some reason MY pet, a semi-robotic thing that has a nasty habit of "scanning the surroundings for presents" and then comes back with sometime someone left around ... handy to have although maybe not the safest one ... attacked it and the town cat ended up dead.
now THIS in turn upset the townsfolk, so all the farmers started chasing me, pitchforks and all (vine-forks) even if i ran out they came after me ... on TOP of the the NPC's the elder, the herbalist and Mehmet the merchant attacked the moment they saw me, although all labelled "impossible" my slinger took them down and this one is like level FIVE now and i got CRATES of loot - the nomad merchant also attacked after i killed the others and then the blacksmith too - they all perished to my mighty chrome revolvers (talk about OP at level 1)
so there i am, an empty town, all questgivers dead (the quests are still in the book tho) a few truckloads of loot but no one to sell it to, more water than i can drink in 10 levels, luckily i learned harvest before the accidental happenstance so the vinewafers keep me fed.
and i got 68 bullets left ... and no clue where to get new ones - turns out killing a "sworn waterbrother" has cursed me and about the whole world hates me, even oozes despise me, cannibals already did, but CATS STILL DONT (...?) tho they "might" attack , mostly the whole world will tho, it says so in the reputation tab
and the funny bit ? the only one in town who doesnt attack ? the Warden (lol?)
ssaaaa .... the thing is REALLY inspiring it looks like something we would allow us as an easter present even in these dire, uncertain times ...
insta-like ... QUESTION , why doesnt anyone say Apshai-like or Akalabeth-like ... i really think they were first ... so thats about one evening of absurdity in a post-postpostpostpost- neo apocalyptic cyberfantasticpunk world (with benefits) ... the yellow books are quite good too -
this thing is SO fresh, i havent sat down to game like this for a long time ... and its totally made of lol .. .but i think ill start a new char b/c i fear for a first run (leaving out the ones that died fast) being cursed from the first town making the whole world and all factions KOS you is probably too much for a starter
TRULY - if you rogue or if you liked those apshai type games ... it looks expensive but i think its worth more in playtime than most AAA who cost double or four times sometimes that ...
very fresh (gouts et couleurs ofcourse, its probably not a game for dota or streetfighter junkies)

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<b>20250318 :</b><br>
<div class=entry>Not a bad batch of test subjects this week. Ofcourse as much as we rely on reliable sources for the compatibility list the only links are to wikis or the authors pages. No other downloads other than our own stuff available on this site ... (in case you wonder, dont waste your time).
Qud is the new black then ... or white ... or other ? We have to wonder : if more fuckers spend 15 years writing a game instead of what players want will there be a new wave of fantasy / sci-fi novels leading to a neo-golden era which would make Van Voght proud (were not much into asimov or clarke tho we do appreciate the light reading asimov always reminds us more of Agatha Christie than it would of science fiction ... for some reason but Janes OnderGrond , all in one reserves the right to be weird for the simple fact that mundanes will call anything abnormal into the realm of evil) - IF FUCKERS WOULD PUT OUT MORE LIKE THAT? would authors write novels based on their game sessions instead of "jippedee write me one and post it, let me know when the cheque arrives, ill be smoking crack until then ...."
ssaaaa .... the thing is REALLY inspiring it looks like something we would allow us as an easter present even in these dire, uncertain times ...
yah indeed, but the layout will be for the next webday session ....

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20250315 : Finally got a few rounds of civ2 in again. Guess well put 86box here too, got enough pages as is and instead of doing new cases someone might wanna see if a mister 2 is possible instead perhaps... looking at 86box vs pcem ("accurate") the requirements are wazoo-uppers so im not sure if altera 7 , 9 or 11 can do USADOS95-98 even ... but we wont find out if no one tries ... Checking the prices on ebay if this keeps up (even retro floppies that might have lost their magnets for some years now) maybe if we just sell the PG and SMAC original cds we can make enough to sit through 2040-50 before mad max takes over...
o yea <b>the mod-core for the Atari 800 on the mister forums certainly is worth it, looks like plenty of neo-retro games work now that didnt before ... </b>
20250312 : Ah .... right ... "why does no one in belgium has kickstarter games that go anywhere from $15k to a quarter million for a single NES or GB game ?" ... well thats b/c all belgians are lazy and STUPID illiterate motherfuckers who cant program without jippedee ofcourse ! (xept the guy who wrote the mister OS ? ... not sure .. well yea OFCOURSE why else would that be, imagine making money like that and not having to rely on others ... dat is niet weirken jonge ... ...)
anyway aeuhm ... Oh ! well after two turns of civgen (megadrive) we got ofcourse rolling and now will hae to finish it. I must say whoever the guy is for a one-man project doing CIV1 on a megadrive its a 9 out of 10 yo, the interace, the layout the general execution, GIVE THAT KID AN A+ (and a part-time job at crotter so they can keep making indie games for free people) ... The adapter from Sintech (the 2nd one b/c we broke the first one ... thats just living on the edge as a pioneer who boldly goes to germany while you could buy american import taxes ... dont get me wrong BECAUSE that we are stuck NOT buying from canada or california, ben eater, texas commander X16s and all, ... its quite annoying ) so the german shop is quite responsive and they were honest enough to state that they're re-sellers and havent personally tested it on a mister so we went out on a bold move, spending the first €30 of the year since the new gov't and the euro-army is probably gonna save the world by taking whats left, breaking all risk-aversion in a death defying move and) lo and behold it works , on both the mister and the ra-pi 5 on retropie (dont really like retropie, the emulators are like ... "press rightshift to have a keyboard" and all that, its really made for fuckers who wanna game but in that case really i wonder why not just mame it ... mame was there when weed was cheap and everyone smoked it ... thats been a while ...) So i bet we'll see more 64 and ST games now as ... having the mister all in one place is great, BUT THE CONTROLLERS YO, the feeling of WRONGNESS when you play space taxi or giana sisters with an xbox pad ????? *<i>shivers</i>* - so that is gud, now we'll have to recover from spending the money until something becomes clear or it becomes viable to "just do it" and write a gameboy game on kickstarter for $15k and not have to pay $20k in advance ... sossososososoooooooooooooooo
yo man, if the aliens land theres not much we can do but be with the cat and play a game ... we calculated that if the russians conquer at the same pace in the past 3(/4...) years it will take them 106 years to stand at the gates of Brussels, so like Lex Luthor in the divided states of moria ... we'll be stone dead by then ... i think they took enough and blocked the future, let them scare the plebs for all i care, there's nothing left to threaten us with.    
20250307 : the db9 adapter arrived but as the hole has been keeping me in a state of fog for whatever reasons crackbabies and triffids have first of all i set off attaching a powercable io a datacable, then AFTER mailing the shop that it didnt work i put in the datacable when i noticed and pushed too hard , more like fell on it as i lost balance and my hand pushed down, the usb slot came off of the arduino inside and <a href='https://www.reddit.com/r/olkb/comments/vsmscp/resoldering_micro_usb_port_on_a_pro_micro/'>to the question</a> : <a href='https://www.instructables.com/Fixing-an-Arduino-Pro-Micro-the-USB-Port-Came-Off-/'>Bob the builder, can we fix it?</a> ... yes we can, with a few 100 more soldering session in the fingers ... but after "just one" probably not ... looking <a href='https://imgur.com/gallery/broken-port-arduino-pro-micro-IhFVu9I'>here</a> you can see, but i personally need like 2 pairs of glasses (or the soldering stations loupe while wearing one) to see the five pins there - whatever it is, the instructable is above my head. So i ask the store , the guy says "sorry we cant guarantee it works on a mister" so he didnt understand my english so i copy-paste the part from their site where it says "this will work without drivers on windows, raspberry pi and mister" and to the question "do you really want another one" (as i took responsibility for breaking the first one myself BECAUSE I DID ... if valve would have i might still buy pc games from them ... but americans dont have to right ? anything in a suit that costs more than i get in five years doesnt have to, right ? looking up like "what does it take to make one" i came out at : arduino 30+p&p (almost the price of the whole thin), 2db 9 ports from the USA on ebay : €24 + €64 p&p (then we have to calc VAT and import tax) so make that 100-150, custom printed pcb : MINIMUM 150 p&p inc, probably closer to €250 for a small thing like this ... hance : im better off buying a ps5 than trying to fix one up myself, and so im waiting for the second one in the mail :) they sure enable and empower folk since the milennium norms got applies. No more poverty ... no more money related crime ... you can get spare parts in the cornerstore again like in the 80s and fuckers can read without asking jippedee ... life is great, the future's looking bright ... SO LETS SEE IF THAT WORKS, now that i want one i want one ... if it has to come from the states for the price of a "nextgen" console i'll be abit miffed ...
20250306 : feels like slim pickens on the 64 front ... with kouyate in the future its not dead and its not like last year didnt have gud titles ... our personal fav battle for Cronos and others infeztation , tony and what not a few psytroniks between good and slightly not meh ... STILL .. it feels like a lot is released but everyones too tired to do a full project ... sadly ... Looking at stuff like plyuk for the spectrum (i think originally that was gameboy or gba (?? dhave to luk it up) the question rises again, what if you Atari ST a "gameboy ST" using whatever (100x100, 150x150, 200x200px) screensize with 0bitplane (depending on pixelsize) and the game hidden in the spare cycles, you sure can do shiney if you get larger but just how creative would one get ?? the c64 doesnt have that luxury as it doesnt HAVE the 4096 or 512 palette but the Atari would .. Amiga seems to suffer from Portland to "this apolla 68060 IS AN AMIGA TOO!" syndrome (if you overclock it on an emulator so you can have 30 polygons on screen ...)
!plyuk is awfully well done for a speccy id say ... as was infeztation ... kouyate in hirest charmode will hinge on the story (to us at least) , we have every confidence miss SJA is too proud to let the pixels slide and not do a good job of the hires charset gfx ... sound by nordichsound will be at the very least notmeh to gud or even excellent ... SO THAT LEAVES THE PLOT :) ... DONT SPOIL IT, dont wanna know it ... what was the last amiga game that wasnt (yet anohter) port or pactris clone and didnt have a.i. generated screens ??? Xol'tan ??? hmmmmmmmwelllllllll ... between civgen and our recent discovery of something called final fantasy tactics and still not past the first castle in ff2 i think we're good til 2060 anyway . wont have much else to do ... at this rate wont be able to do much else anyway ... RIGHTEY THEN
20250305 : edit 1 : no man ... and that leaves only the saturn version, not b/c i dont have a translation but b/c what we THINK is the game unable to save for some reason (cant read the kanji but im sure whileplaying wed figure out the menus soon enough, its CIV 1 after all)
<br> its all abit different right, first of all this is salems lot and salems lot is salems lot no matter where you go. Afaik the last arcades HERE in the closest wannabe-city were closing down in the 90s at the very last ... and that was ALL THE WAY TO THE CITY (definitely 7 kilometers - hard to explain to murricans who fly to the westcoast from the east to buy a quick two monitors that have VGA inputs as we came to understand, but living in a towelsized place where since the queen signed it up the protectorate has been doing its utmost to keep it small so everyone stays thinking small (i bet otherwise everyone would run away to a country where <i>you can do shit</i>) and ambition is frowned upon) ... but not just that ... having the c64 swapperclub here was probably already an anomaly tho it went with many beer and wurst in small international karate and other compos (no one asked your id when you asked a beer in those days dearie, who care if you were 14 or whatever - apparently no one) before that the floppies came in via a guy who brought them by the shoebox in the early years (literally) other than Triad and FLT i cant say any of todays names rings bells from back then and stuff like ACE , ikari , bros and dozens others have disappeared i dont think HTL harry is active anymore either (its probably a crime today)
<br> didnt have internet till in the mid-20s and never had anything under cable-speed and unlimited traffic from the start, never bought a CELL (!) phone until closing in on 30 ... 
you see ?
Maybe ... might have something to do with why we can read without asking jippedee to write me a demo ... everything got researched from a clean slate as computers is niet weirken ... STILL ... in the personal circles back then consoles were more rare than pc's even if the first pc cost about 110% the monthly wage from back then , a p60, to play warlords2 and panzer general ... playing duke nukem with the frendz via a COAX cable all over the living room ... even remember the famous words in the mail from a frend who was at work (that used to be the place where quake was played the most if i remember correctly ... especially in closed IT departments as managements literally had no clue - for some reason there was more money and more jobs to pay more fuckers to get that shit done while they scammed the boss into thinking it took 3 weeks and played quake half the time ... STILL .. for some reason THERE WAS MORE MONEY AND MORE TO SPEND ... how quaint ... the famous words : "DUDE, you HAVE TO CHECK THIS OUT, its SO MUCH BETTER THAN YAHOO, its gonna be big ! REALLY check itout!"
its called .... "<i>google</i>
orig : 
running a bit thin here with the strange ghost parade circus going on ... not sure if someone picked up the idea once more that keeping me awake will eventually cure the fatigue. Neanderdal-style maslowhammer theory : "keep hitting that bruise until it runs away!" ... anywayyyyyyy - CIVGEN! (2019) ... just keep digging up gud stuff ... strange to arcade hall cityboys i suppose but to the boy who sat with the ST in salems lot and a 100 turn civ demo from a magazine disk (until he found the Hotline box from back in the 64 friday swapping club had atari stuff too and got the credz from the guy next town - thats how you did b/c newsstands and other fancy stuff like software stores ... well frankly i cant even remember one in the 90s or ... gamemania was pretty lucrative for the years it lasted but that was later i guess past the ps1 already .. maybe even ... well not sure, other than that the store where we got the jag imported from the USA for back then 14.000 francs (1/3rd of the monthly income that was) i cant really remember too many places SELLING software so you know ... having had the friday night commodore club REALLY CAME IN HANDY ...
and now here they come with civ for the megadrive ... !!!! after having finished an english translated romhack for the psx (where you get 2 letter words as the kanji (or hira ?) takes 2 characters space in the menus (in japan you can express more in less i suppose) there was no space for the haxx0r to do anything but two letter english abbreviations ... A BOLD AND TRULY HEROIC EFFORT TO SPREAD THE CIV VIRUS TO MUNDANES ...
this is impossible to resist and the title says "public alpha" so it might even be a full playable game ... that leaves ... well i guess 8bitciv for the c64 and a subsequent port for the zx spectrum (cant stay behind can ya?) and OFCOURSE the Atari STE enhanced finehardwarescrolling blitter dma sound harddrive version to counter the AGA cult and their "my 68060 apollo is Amigo too!" delusions ...
MAN IM TIRED ... notsure whats going on theonly thing i know is the answer i'll get if id ask so i wont ...
my life really ended the day the ripped me out of it and stuck me back in het gatste gat
that REALLY was the last day of my life ... stands proven, proven and proven by now
20250304 : We have to select <i>a little</i> by now. Its nothing short of amazing the sheer amount of post 2020 titles that just keep coming ... if someone wants to pay a monthly wage we'll make sure to do it full-time. Otherwise you'll have to take it at our leisure im afraid. By anyways - Updates to the Atari800 core = awesome .. rogul now works and im sure so will others that failed the test in the past years but that means new ones will pass in the years to come. We have found a german shop selling stuff thats only available in america or the uk so listing it is probably a crime against humanity. Despite that situation in Europe is not of a sort that one would think there's time and money to meddle in other peoples wars without even all involved parties attending ... (thats another crime against popular opinion i guess?) ... ANYWAY ... <a href='https://www.sintech-shop.de/'>Sintech</a> (Germany) which means "inside the EU tax-opression belt" so that'll save ya about €50 buying one from the states ... sorry dudes but its 2025 ...if it were the other way around maybe you would understand better how this is not about joining the tradewar. 
Playing FF2 (finally) we find it to have a stranger grinding system than usual. So far after some trial and error i find myself hitting my own party more than the enemies in order to get their hitpoints up and levelling my cure spells ... stranger things have happened.
rudimentary track hiscore system added to the list tho it wont show everywhere xept "finished " and "trending" the data is kept per game (if addded) but thats personal since we are strictly solo players
aaaaaaand .... well .... that misterbox is still the best machine i got my hands on since the kid had a c64 and the boy an atari ST imo ... its like a d&d dimensional pocket ... its a square waffle box on the outside but i dont really care about cases <i>that look like</i>, good thing some others do so someone else is making money at least. THO WE WOULD MUCH PREFER ALL THAT ENERGY GOT SPENT ON MOVING TO A MISTER 2 THAT CAN DO DOS95/8 GAMES AND UNDER (at least tho it probably wont be the next altera on the replay 2 ... but we dont know that yet) ....
bem .. enjoy the final days of the sumerian era when you can ... we have a hunch things aint gonna get better from here, especially here on the old continent ...
20250303 : Fine, we would like to add a few seconds or minutes to the first maintrack of the animation actually. The stars decreed it is a day for that BUT 
One : with "news you cant avoid" came among the daily soap : "mozilla admits it was crotter all along all these years" so we use something called librefox now. It seems to work fine with about everything xept <i>some</i> videoplayers on <i>some</i> sites but it works fine with others on other sites thats the only difference i noticed so far. Other than that it seems to react like 10x faster than vuurvos ... so maybe the telemetry (for the children ! and against terrorism !) is actuallyl REALLY why USA-DOS (and vuurvos) eat half your pc while just sitting there doing nothing. ... 
okay , then,
two : as to the forum as we are not forumpeople and it might be another month until something pops up thats checkworthy (to us ,its all about preference and we dont need to be part of the pack) ... as per our ten cents : <b>"system-level savestates"</b> (or OS-level or whatever the pro's would call it)
- to the "it aint possible" people : WINDOWS CAN DO IT, if usa-dos can do it, dont tell me a mister with linux CANT, i dont believe ya but the argument lies in two :
- to the "its hard to do" people : heres the reasoning of not an engineer who doesnt speak the magic words of incrowd and doesnt even have a hi school degree but can somehow manage 48 sprites on a bitmap animation64 anyway (but we were looking for a routine for the game, not the 1st prize on meteoriks)
<br>  : the routine's already there
<br> <i>"say what?"</i>
<br> "the routine's already there"
<br> "..."
<br> afaik every fucking core (o theres THAT word) ... it doesnt exist here so it probably wont call the wrath of god here, EVERY FUCKING CORE i can think of can open the OSD and every copulating core ive seen can (here it is :) save a screenshot .. now heres the reasoning : a screenshot takes data from memory AFTER the sandbox gets opened through the OSD , both of those mean theres some kind of space somewhere thats not taken by even the cores that were claimed would only work on dual ram (N64, saturn, jag ...) now what does screenshot do ? it copies data from memory onto the sd-card (to a specific folder WITH a NAME ! nonetheless) in this case even (i think) its a png so there must be some compression routine all up in det ess as well all next to any core that exists (the reason it wont work on the Atari 800 is a keyboard conflict, not that it doesnt work, is that incorrect? ) SO whats the difference between taking a screenshot worth of data and write it to sd , or take a systemwide savestate and save it to SD (other than bulk which = time i guess) ??? also you wouldnt need compression b/c it would probably take more time to decompress than it would to load the raw data into a whatever ... "warm" ? state ? 
<br> so being not forum people thats the translation into verbal reasoning of the whole idea of "why are there no system level savestates ? it means all cores could use it, and all future cores could use it regardles of what they do or need, no coredev would ever have to bother with savestates again) ... the only point is "time" as perhaps you cant do a sleep state b/c the hardware wont allow it but "time" to one who came all the way from generation "press play on tape" (and take a shower, have a bagel get some coffee and start gaming) is not the essence ...the thing is : "it can be an <i>option</i>" ... which you can <i>choose to use</i> or not ... i rest my case your honour so plz tell them to not bother us, if we have to explain thrice how we came up with this silly idea we will file for harassment. thx

20250302 : browsing demos, people with a braincell talking and ... who said "<i>you</i>(=we) sure have a lot of time on your hands" .. how about <a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUvIKiWOiFA'>K’NEX Full-Sized Pinball Machine! (with automatic scoring)</a> this guy ? no-coding, zero-HDL ... obvious disneyland money i dunno how much lego and knex cost these days but i bet more than crack as usual ... 5pm day over, disintegration starting ... guess we'll game a little til tonights 2nd cycle ...
20250301 : okay then ... pushing away all vids on any politics and a.i.  i feel it just shoves them to the bottom of "the stack" on the right side so next day they're there - why bother - a bit more and i'll either install the remove sidebar or else dump youtube completely and only check the specific videos i look for, a bit like i never click ads but only look for what i wanna buy when i wanna buy it ... Something stood out there tho : "if firefox owns whatever i type and upload how does this relate to online banking for a divided states (non?LOL)profit company thats clearly been owned by crotter for a long time now, just like i suspect home assistant devs to work for amazon or google to intentionally keep it hard to enter so you get pushed towards a megacorp datacollector for your smart home ( you know , that thing that calls the police b/c mom & dad have an argument, without being given permission to ?)
but the thing that really matters here : we got such a rom-sorting mess it barely gets to gaming anymore ... obviously the programming is still essential for mental stability but the body cant handle days one end so there has to be lie-downs and since tv or youtube is bad for mental stability the only thing remains is retro games and about four to five anime series per season that dont dive into bathing suit editions after the fifth episode to keep "what viewers want" (DO THEY???) ... i think its just the 5% wankers and whiners, like the american woke media that killed ubisoft and almost EA and sony ? 
so does firefox assume it owns my banking data (b/c definitely we enter codes and download numbers while online banking and all of their EULA just applies in the EU b/c jesus says so ??? im looking for political asylum in north korea ... get more freedom of speech like that and a bit more retirement options will be better as an "antwerp harbour worker(ahem)" than they will be for the kmo or corporate fascist lobby-governments (you think its only in america huh?)
SO MANY ROMS ... so little time to play ... and ... can i sue someone for ripping me out while i only had 4 months before graduating to get that pointless piece of paper the mundanes value so much and leave this shithole country to get stuck in the place i hate most on the planet since the boy was 15 , stuck for life with no way out ... and then slowly degrade into this lethargic state which isnt recognized but turned my 20 hour days to 4(+20 non active) ? WHO DO I SUE ? o right you dont unless you're the mayors cousing in a soviet democracy
i guess we'll just rot away gaming and retro-coding then ... its not like we believe in legacy anyway - 100 years from now no man alive today will be talked about ...
20250225 : hmmm, must be nice to an 8bit guy in Texas, even today at the end of the sumerian era ... that arcade, man ... an arcade with actual retro computers on top of arcade machines, more like a living mister fpga building super arcade retro museum. The guy should ask for mister Grant b/c he's doing cultural preservation, historical preservation and sure a lot of archeological digging there ...
20250223 : some quaint idea rose to add hi-score / endings links and for some reason all night Syntax Error reminded of why the handle came to be but it works ... we'll need ofcourse to fill in the blanks b/c records or screenshots of all played arent available ... So, Sir, we can do this by tomorrow and no one will see the difference, the clients wont notice and it will run just as fast to the naked eye. It's just gonna be a bit of a bloody wank-around mess on the server which we'll have to clean up during the next week but WE CAN DO THIS tonigh - ofcourse i'll have to pay my people ? Pardon ? oh ... "if no one sees it i dont think we need the extra cost" SEE thats why i need someone to do the talking ... 
20250219 : an overly disturbing trend is becoming all too clear again, first you get like 4 stores in the world to buy pc games from : valve, epic, microsoft, sony, maybe even in that order,  no physical editions or personal stores anymore ... now we see this thing where a google search turns up several pages of links to either youtube,facebook or x with OCCASIONALLY some other site ... we think that is truly cause for concern ...<br>
and an interesting funfact : apparently Tobik is the name of Zdenda (Atari Xl guy)'s son ... hence the firefighter series i suppose. Remember when they asked the kid what do YOU wanna be when you grow up ("the classic question") always saying ASTRONAUT! or INVENTOR! ... and everyone like "Lol, strange kid ..." (probably b/c the kid didnt say ronaldino or pleaseman ...) STRANGE PEOPLE OF SALEMS LOT (i think they're called family or something in american english) ...
20250216 : short of turning to virtualbox , since a real-hw solution seems out of reach for indefinite time and it seems unlikely the situation will get better instead of worse due to rock-solid negationism of reality and trying to fix it by making more holes. PCem tried and tested (on linux) ... the conclusion : cant even install windows on a hard drive image it created itself, it claims the thing is not bootable and when booting from cd it does, then after reboot asks to put cd in E: (while cd is set to E: in settings) but actually looking at step by step the drive is G: while there is no G: in settings, putting the CD on any other place gives the same, wether its on primare master/slave or secondary master/slave C: D: E: or F: it keeps asking to put cd in drive E: ... so it wont format the hard drive image which it created from its own UI and fails to recognize. Using a pre-made image from internet archive seems to give the same. Mind : this thing has to be compiled from zit, using packages that refer to ubuntu 18 ... so since we dont have the situation where "o lets buy a cheap ssd to check this thing" we got a system with excess clutter and a pcem that wont run , on top of that <a href='https://www.vintageisthenewold.com/get-your-old-pc-games-and-software-running-with-pcem'> HERE </a>, it states <i>There is one final caveat with regards to using PCem in this fashion, which is that, as with most forms of emulation, there’s a performance overhead involved. Although PCem can emulate a Pentium 233 MMX, my Core i7 3770K couldn’t run the emulated machine at 100% speed, so I reduced the model down to a Pentium 75, which was more than adequate in running some of the games I was keen to try out.</i> which is basically why i wanted to check an alternative to 86box since thats seems to be the exact issue - Now as retro people one might understand : "just use GOG" is not really the preferred option even if most of the stuff has XP-and-up compatible downloads of about all the games id like to see, playing "in the zone" requires environment, which goes in strict order : 1 : real hw , 2: neo-real hw (like the llama), 3: full ("true") emulation ... just running it on NSA-DOS 11 is like playing c64 gammes with an xbox controller : <b>it just feels fake</b> ...
20250215 : preparing for the potentially long winter we removed the ad to sell the steam deck, not b/c we wanna keep it but in case a pc breaks down the deck is a replacement powerful enough to run elden ring so it can handle a few things. Took out the 512gb card and stuck it in the mister . It will be of better use there. And ... nothing i guess ...
... since it seems a long winter ahead we might as well , waiting for fpga to catch up to the missing retro-bits seems like an exercise in futility as all that happens is more new cases, more new controllers and 3d printed tags with leds ... frankly spoken, if we forked out a 3d printer and had money to buy the pcbs all stuff we could fix up ourselves here no doubt with a little research and T&E ... now - 86box is great but it has a strange thing to it, the emulation seems to be <i>not really</i> cpu dependent tho a little bit it is. What i noticed here is that the mmx200 or k6-450 is problematic to the old celeron here just as well as to the refurbished €49 pc with the low-end i5 just as well as to the box that runs the Godot editor for the 4k animation with 10(or11?) gen i5, 32gb of ddr4 and an ssd ... and moreover the games run fine, EVEN THE VIDEO streams fine, its the sound that lags .. on all systems, putting it down to standard pentium 70mhz apparently can fix panzer general to run properly (meaning : the sound doesnt stutter - everything else works fine otherwise on all three) but above that the issues start ... its not a breaker but if you want "the zone" back you need the sound as well, so maybe we'll check pcEmu, it would have been nice to have a cycle accurate representation of the old windows mmx200 but since its just for those SSI things and a few others , almost all TBS it doesnt really matter that much and .. well €500 + vat + import taxes + vendor site EU-registrat and certification costs is just no longer even something to consider for a real hw-32bit era pc (or an x16 for that matter) ...  the gap between here and disneyland grew wider but the start of the year came with a lot of stunting by the hi-balls , and that sure as hell has been quite entertaining (a bit less if you have the delusion of a future still i suppose but if your life was dead 10 years ago this is actually a mental picker upper) ... we can see humanity go down ... we'll need a LOT of games to get through that (valve is still allowed to pay back the money and we'll use the account again otherwise no go, we are not american troglodytes you can just skip off that shyte) ... too bad after more than 12 years of spending money on the fucker ... like father murphy sang :"they will all fail you" ... well they have
anything else ??? nope, 3 hours to copy the sd card ... thatmust be a lot of clutter ... anything else ???? guess not, a date with the red princess wont be an option i guess :p ... anyway - i bet thats supposed not to be said since its anti-something from here ... and anyway ... if you wanna smuggle me an x16 out of the states in your luis vutton we can pay ... o wait no we cant ... until bread cost €1.50 again and we have some kind of clarity on any kind of anything even if only a year into the future ... GOOD HAVE AT IT, plz keep stunting otherwise its gonna be hella boring in the long winter

20250214 : Pretty clear now ... RGD does a new vid on "new x16 games" however, the current situation (not just the NSDA-KMO-P overhere in the hinterland) probably means a €500 prefab computer nets the buyer here, more like debts , 1500 io 1000 by now, CE-tags on the vendors side, registrar on the vendors side, import taxes on the buyers side ... its only for people who keep their space-credits safe from the suits in banque suisse or the caymans i guess. The only way id see is if someone still knows someone doing the old rotterdamsterdam-miami run making a sidetrip to Texas and putting it in hand-luggage for the flight home (close to Neo-IRA but i guess thats where they're putting it ...) Maybe like jeans used to be ... "american items" become a hot spot in the Antwerp harbour and Terneuzen , here in soviet democratic nsda-kmo-p ruled hellgium and neighbouring districts, just like <i>back then, over <b>there</b></i> ...
20250213 : Mwelll ... lack of money means not even having to think about an itx llama or similar (how nice to have life less complicated !) 86box aint half bad now it comes to that THOUGH ... i never knew cycle-accuracy (or close) for a small mmx 200 is almost the limit for an i5 with 32gb and and rtx card trying USA-DOS 98 ... actually for some strange reason its better to set the clock speed at 166mhz io 200 otherwise THE SOUND in the videos lags ... thats the strange bit, right, running a celeron or K6 at 450 mhz for later games the video runs without glitching but the sound stutters double ass ... its a nice piece of ware at any rate but not sure if its actually still maintained. With the last generation of real coders slowly fading out for all but the blackhats who make their living on it projects like these might get harder and harder to find. What it does kinda seem to spell is : <i> no way in hell you will run dos 98/XP games on a mister or replay 2 </i> ... if its about accuracy the fpga required ...its hard to say since we dont know enough about the comparison charts there but if an mmx200 to an i5 (gen10 i think) with 32gb of ddr4 and an ssd is the max (i doubt its written to use gpu to set off the lack of OPs on the cpu during "some kind of load" (even hard to think why it has so much trouble trying to fake an old cpu like that) but if its any reference considering thats the machine that runs the Godot 4K project ... then to a mister1 a mister2 will "probablynot" do win xp ... or maybe not even 98 from what i see. but well atm there wouldnt be any money since uncertainty has passed all reasonable levels. Even if the itx llama would be like 500 in the canadian store, by the time it gets here during tradewars that'll be around a 1000 i guess, even IF there was less blurry future for even just this year thats just too much money for the suits in Mordor to pay on one piece of gear ... an mmx200 runs about most stuff i remember from back then and its not like im interested in the supreme 3d action games from the low poly era ... i think xwing and tie fighter were dos games and not sure if thats even 3d or more like vectores (like "Elite" on the 8bits) ... at any rate , i think they almost stole another hour by pushing it out of sync again im always so tired and there seems to be less day than before ... soon the summer-depression can kick in too .. 
20250211 : ... since we wont have to worry about getting a new gpu until bread costs €1.50 again i suppose ... the upcoming games can be scrapped, even dl'd for free they wouldnt run on this by now low-end system that cant be upgraded without disneyland money... fun facts seem to be that a 5090 is <i>coming</i> but nowhere available, a 5080 goes for a small €2000 and for some reason the 4090 goes for a smaller €2800 ... no clue who can pay that amount for a single gpu card today but apparently they do ... no mister 2 in sight ... so having no money will hurt less bad ? ... not sure , doing some online search shopping this week for someone else i bumped into sold out and "coming in" everywhere again. HOEZO NIETS AAN DE HAND ? the future's certainly looking brite but if they were to succeed in removing putin and russia becomes post-soviet 2 with 20 mafia and warlord families vying for the nuclear arsenal i guess 
<i>the playfield would be levelled ...</i>
have at it ! 
? ... not complaining, when we was down and out on the street how many times we wished that if this is gonna be life at least the gods should grant us a front row seat to the apocalypse and we'll gladly go down (last) after seeing the humans fall ... and other wishes since being stuck in een gat became the one and only outlook (nu ook met zelfstandigenbond!) ... who was this guy that said its more scary if the gods actually WERE to answer your petitions ?  well, it looks like they granted us at least one , even if we would have preferred the spot in Mongolia and an independent business of any kind in a life we CHOSE to live i guess getting one wish from the gods aint half bad, even if you're part of the target victim audience now. AT ANY RATE ... i noticed you can choose "buy on steam" or "get on epic" now ... thats 2 stores less than before lol ... so in a world where a €3000 gpu plays €120 a.i. generated shyte i guess retro wont be the worst choice, depending on the witch hunts that follow when the lords of mordor investments dont pay off. ITS SNOWING OUTSIDE BTW ... did some animating on the first catstar track , we are looking for places that have "dos95-98" (aka "32bit era usa-dos") still available atm ... plz make your presence known somehow.
20250209 : Tsch ... innovation is a relative concept i guess ... so we get more cases for Disneyland people with money. Its nice to see ppl ARE making money b/c that means the cult is alive however it feels somewhat stale when all you get is 3d printed sprites to taptoo on your zepperoe and "LOOK ! another case with the same hardware" ... i mean no offense by that but once more ... a mister v2 or similar would be a lot more interesting ... updates to the lagged behind computer cores would be a lot more interesting to US ... 9pin joystick support for the c64 and atari ST (and i guess al the ones that had a port like that) would be a lot more interesting to US , playing c64 games with an xbox controller just feels plain wrong but on the ST something like CIV with a keyboard and mouse doesnt, however for some reason it seems to need TOS2.06 to run from hard drive on the mister ... i know angry S "just" ported the mint core and said "community its yours" and community said "ok" and did nothing with it lol. Its above our braingrade so we cant , its above our paygrade or we'd have a falcon030 or sharp 030 (the one on it is a 68000) on offer and loan ... i dont know about the consoles but i bet half of those arent really 99% either , sadly we dont have sponsor money and the current situation wont allow that and it doesnt look like the futures looking brighter than usual . Thats one thats two ... and three : SYSTEMWIDE SAVESTATES (dont say "thats not possible" or imma bish-lap u) which mean core devs dont have to bother since the savestate happens at OS level so any future core would immediately be able to use it. I bet it would take some time to save since its an SD card and i bet youd need a beefer ... something at least 128gb or whatever to hold a reasonable collection and room for a pony BUT IT HAS TO BE POSSIBLE, they sent tom hanks to the moon on a 4bit computer, You wanna tell me a mister OS cant do systemwide savestates ? I dont mind if it takes a minute. We are from the 80s, yo, we press play on tape, take a bath, have a coffee, go to the baker for a croissant, come back and start playing, remember ? ... maybe you dont ... The cartridges and all that, its such a shame the EU internally and the global scheme of trade wars together is trying to kill anyting smaller than Amazos or miCrotter, all those SUPERtalented bedroom coders and tekno-mages being put out of business b/C ... reading up atari stuff i got to a post where Exxos (U.K. teknomage i think, specializes in Atari bits) explained that you need about 14k yearly to register everywhere (thats before you make one sale) if you wanna sell to the eu, otherwise you need specific countries so ... i think both them and Lotharek (polish tekno-mage) sell to germany only now and you just have to find a reseller. Guttertrash like us will pay more anyway since there's an extra man in the middle, taxes or not. All that talent goes to waste and the backbone slowly gets corroded as political econoporosis and finance-mialgyia sets in ... tsk ... here its a total buy-stop until we know more. For all we know in the current condition and legal state by next year we have about 0 per month so we wanna save up so we can at least buy a 9mm to get some homeless steak when hungry. We're shovelling what we have around , the dustsucker filters are halfway (one of those filters costs 12 euros - the good ones- so if the total system has 30 fans, excluding cables, fans itself , molex and sata to 4pin adapters and extension cables, do the math times 30 on "just the filters" .. all to keep the dustmite out of our body-vents... we already have a kind of cartridge system brewing for pc where a top-slot box (usb) slots an ssd (or mechanical but ssd ofcourse better) drive ... say you have a game like tekken 8, a 120gb drive holds one game , say you have ark evolved, a 240 (or more by now)  holds one game, no printer for the stickers tho but its kinda nice, UX only as USA-DOS seems to refuse booting from USB ... anyway ..
<br> the futures looking bright ... just when we finally decide to get that soldering station , LOL ?
20250206 : the situation looking quite hopeless with a dash of even less than before, it looks like as a last purchase for "undefined" time that soldering station for the 1 bridge to fix the mister will be worth it ... also : http://www.retrolel.com/en/ this looks like a nice one for OCD collectors (not that we have those in retro-land)
20250202 : reinstalled the pi to hold both pixel and retropie now, more like as a first line or a misterfilter to check games wether they're worth checking as well as perhaps play a few (atari xl etc) that dont work on the mister like whats it called rogul or something ... and others