typical food aceh often forgotten.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #typical7 years ago (edited)

I will tell you about the typical cake of Aceh because no other area of this cake is called as a blight As Popular Traditional Cake In Aceh
Karah Karah is a kind of snack that is quite popular among the people of Aceh made of rice flour, triangular shape - often also in the form of folding two. The people of Aceh make this cake as well as part of traditional customs and ceremonies, especially in Aceh Barat, at wedding ceremonies as well as in death events. For example in Khanduri Peuet Ploeh. However, this cake is also known to be familiar to people in other districts in Aceh.

After the tsunami, so many people lost their jobs. They seek to make money back to meet their needs. One of the businesses managed by the mothers of Aceh residents is the making of Kue Karah, a typical cake of the people of Aceh.

Making coconut cake is a work done by most mothers in Banda Aceh. Most mothers who are aged over 40 years and generally berdagan up to a dozen years. This is done by the mothers of Aceh residents because the profit generated is little, but his business is not as hard as a fisherman. In addition, mothers can earn extra money to help their children to buy snacks at school.

Mothers in Aceh usually make individual coconut cakes and with simple equipment. The ingredients are cooking oil, kerosene, flour, cauldron, and others. These cakes are usually marketed to Banda Aceh, Lhok Nga, Ule Kareng, Lambaro, Penayong, and Cot Ke'eng

2.banana sale (banana in the drying).

banana sale can also say banana is dried in the processed food from banana fruit combed thin and then dried. The purpose of drying is to reduce the water content of bananas so that the banana sale is more durable. This banana sale can be directly eaten or fried with flour first. besides, now sale banana has various taste like flavor of cheese. Currently, the production of banana sale has penetrated the international market. Sale banana is a banana product made with drying and fumigation process. Sale is known to have a distinctive flavor and aroma.

Important traits that determine the quality of sale of banana are their color, taste, odor, elasticity, and shelf life. The nature is much influenced by the way of processing, packing, and storage of its products. Sale made during this time is often not good quality especially when made during the rainy season. When made in the rainy season it needs to be dried with artificial drying (with a tungro system).

There are 3 ways of making banana sale, namely:

  1. Traditional way of using wood smoke
  2. How to smoke with sulfur smoke
  3. Wet method by using sodium bisulfite.

The fumigation process using sulfur is useful for:

  • Banana memucatkan to obtain the desired color
  • Deadly microbes (fungi, bacteria)
  • Prevent discoloration

Pisang Sale Goreng Recipe

10 pieces of ambon bananas
100 gr rice flour
50 gr sago flour
1/2 teaspoon of lime water
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons of sugar
200 ml of water

How to make

Peel the banana and then split four, drying in the sun.
Once dry, fry the bananas until cooked and dry. Lift and drain.
Mix rice flour, sago flour, water whiting, vanilla, sugar, and water, stirring until the mixture is well blended.
Dip the banana sale into the dough of flour, fry it in hot oil until it is cooked and dry. Lift and drain.

3pcs of timpan

Timphan is a typical cake / dish of Aceh during Lebaran / feast day of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, this Timphan made 1 or 2 days before Lebaran and its durability can reach more seminngu, Timphan is the main course for guests who visit the house when Lebaran.

For Acehnese who are in Aceh until the whole world is not familiar with this cake / dough, because it has become a tradition of generations and secrets in Aceh that the name Timphan any mothers or women in Aceh can make it.

Timphan which is a mushy food wrapped in young banana leaves is the most famous is Timphan srikaya taste. Before the Eid before the mothers usually have prepared young banana leaves picking in the garden or buy the market.

Because of the popularity of Timphan in Aceh, so many expressions / proverbs with the word Timphan such as "Uroe goet buluen goet Timphan ma peugoet beumeuteme taste" (Good day of good moon Timphan mother must be able to I feel).

The ingredients and how to make it as follows, depending on how the portion is desired, below we take the ingredients for 15 servings (1 serving is approximately equal to 114 calories):

Material :

Banana king baked 250 grams
Glutinous Flour 200 gr
2 tablespoons thick salad
Water whiting 1 tbsp
Salt 1/4 tsp


Chicken egg 2 eggs
50 ml thick pot
Sugar 100 GR
Cooked small chopped shrimp 25 gr
Wheat flour ½ tsp
Pandan leaves 1 sheet
Grated young coconut 50 gr
Vanilli 1/4 tsp.

How to make :

  1. Combine all the basic ingredients by stirring glutinous flour and banana that has been mashed and enter coconut milk, lime and salt water until well blended, this dough is used for the skin.

  2. Beat the eggs and sugar until thickened listen mixer or the like (before there are mixers used mothers in Aceh ngeremas pake hand) and enter the flour and thick coconut milk, stir until blended, add the jackfruit that has been chopped small and young coconut grate finely then give pandan leaves, cook until thick, then lift give vanilli then mix again. Once cooked, cool and use as iosi timphan.

  3. Take the young banana leaf that has been cut-cut according to one size timphan rub with oil and then thin the skin dough on the leaves then give the dough the contents continue to roll, wrapped like the picture above, steamed until cooked for about 10 minutes.
    and many more aceh cakes are less publicized because aceh area is very fertile and masyarakatpun very polite and courteous if you are interested mengujung to our area we are very banga and happy to receive guests guests outside the country and within the region Indonesia.

follow me@engkotbaceeraya