
in #twitter2 months ago

Twitter Joeyarnoldvn1 Banned; Moved the couch; worked over eight hours cleaning up the house; videos I uploaded: videos about Discord and TikTok; watched: Severance 201, Ron Gibson - SATURDAY SPECIAL BROADCAST! JANUARY 20TH AT 12-NOON THE DEEP STATE KNOWS JUDGEMENT DAY HAS ARRIVED, Ron Gibson - WAR ROOM [FULL] Friday 1/17/25 Breaking: The Real Reason Why Trump’s Inauguration Was Moved Indoors


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Trump Elon Musk

Oatmeal Daily - 2025-01-19 - Sunday | Published in January of 2025


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Join my Discord Server

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2025-01-19 - Sunday - 09:22 AM - Discord Log

177/ @ hmburgrnfrs good or bad? Search for Ham's messages, if bad, Ham won't say I'm bad, if Ham bad, Ham'd say I'm good; I demoted Ham, thought Ham did bad; but if Ham not bad, prove me wrong; let's put Ham on trial; why is Ham in Anti-Oatmeal World, AKA Porridge World? This is why I demoted Ham for saying, "i am in porridge world because that server isnt anarchy." Ham said this server is toxic. Belle is probably a troll too. Alliana said she left this server because people attacked her. If that's true, then why did she then join their server? I promoted @ Invisible Man because my gut says he might not be a troll. If my IQ is less than 78, just outsmart me in order to trick me into making you owner, surely your IQ is not lower than mine. Give me dirt on people to get me to demote anybody. I encourage everybody to apply for the server owner position, just tell me why, show me your public track record so I can independently fact-check your entire life, the best of the best will climb the rings of power and game of thrones and pyramid scheme of this server, the worst of the worst should probably be demoted more and more over time, everybody is encouraged to promote and demote everybody to whatever roles they want no questions asked. # There are many different ways to get promoted towards your path to server owner, it's not really about revealing personal information behind closed doors but it's more about my preference for not trusting anonymous accounts who are probably trolls and looking at say for example verified Twitter X content creators who are already public figures who would have a harder time hiding from me if they ever tried to scam me which it's generally easier for anonymous accounts to scam people and then disappear; I prefer focusing more on people with skin in the game who are real people and not just alt accounts; I prefer promoting people who are like over the age of 30 generally speaking. Most of the people in this server are deadly trolls who spam Oatmeal Fake News. I win because people are NOT inviting the thousands of banned Oatmeal World members to Porridge World. I follow my TikTok friends on Instagram. I follow 11 accounts currently on Instagram and a few those accounts is the Vietnam Anna Barbie. An account in this server in 2023 pretended to be like a 30 year old Only Fans woman and later said just kidding I'm under 18, trolls do this kind of cat fish to try to paint their victims in a bad light, this kind of thing happens on social media, trolls love doing this kind of pump fake basketball move. I recommend we demote the deadliest trolls to below the red admin role or level 40, it's very hard to know who to trust because most people are here to mess with me; most of the accounts here are pathological liars who are obsessed with chaos because they feel hopeless inside; I pray to Oatmeal Jesus for the Oatmeal Heirs to resurrect this server someday somehow; but until then, the trolls will continue to smash things like Wreck-It Ralph. I don't have disabilities, so I do not qualify for getting money from the government, and I have several jobs currently, but I generally try to keep my private life private. Good thing nobody reads my blogs because if they did they'd know how to become an owner of this goddamn Discord Server. I'd be tempted to promote people who try to publish articles and videos on all the websites and apps debunking Oatmeal Fake News. I've been using the Internet since like 1995 which was only thirty years ago, good thing my trolls won't actually do any real deep research on me, they're too lazy to do any real deep dives on me, they're too surface level freaks unwilling to dive really deep. Last Sunday, trolls banned thousands of people from this server and instead of inviting all of those people to their own server, the trolls did nothing and now Porridge World only has 19 members even tho they could easily have the thousands of people they banned here over there, that's how pathetic these trolls are, their server could have been bigger than this server but they're too lazy to go to the # log channel to invite everybody to their server; Oatmeal World lost over ten thousand people; the trolls could have invited some of those over 10K+ people to their own server and yet they didn't even try to do that because these trolls suck. I don't know if Spike a troll but I made Spike a @ 70. Gods again. Many people will lie to my face saying they don't believe the lies when really they do. I want to promote top musicians etc. They said they don't want people here in their server and yet they themselves were here, this is not logical to say they can go from here to there but others can't, how do they make a distinction between them and other people who are probably identical to them? If I'm right about Caddy, then why would I be wrong about anything else? If you're not Team Oatmeal, you would have to be Team Porridge. Speaking of Donald Trump, Porridge World has a wall that is super racist, they're banning people, they should let everybody join, many people were not allowed to join their server. The challenge is trolls have been attacking me on all the websites for years, they're like weeds in the garden and they are all over the Internet.

Twitter Tweets

09:23 AM

I was unfairly suspended off Twitter X for normal activities, I believe trolls who stalk me online for decades now reported my @joeyarnoldvn1 account, help me Elon Musk and MAGA Trump.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Severance 201

2025-01-19 - Sunday - 12:56 AM - Severance 201

This show is brilliant because it can serve to be an illustration of the mind. It appears it has been a few months since events from the first season. Their outies may have negotiated deals. Tom Cruise is with a new team. He is running around the hallway maze, I was on the edge of my seat. Tom snuck in past the Chinese girl to call out an SOS on the radio system. Black guy sends him into the elevator. He comes back with his friends. They watch a movie mentioning them and the revolt but the talking building said oh we will give you better rewards now. Black guy said you can quit. They ended up staying. Tom talks to red head chick, she agrees to helping him find his wife. The work they do is like working to train the AI is what I would say, there are numbers involved, like Tetris or Mines.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Severance 201

2025-01-19 - Sunday - 12:56 AM - Severance 201

09:01 AM

11:31 AM
Ron Gibson - WAR ROOM [FULL] Friday 1/17/25 Breaking: The Real Reason Why Trump’s Inauguration Was Moved Indoors

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Went to bed around 2 AM. Woke up around 8:30 AM. Breakfast: 08:40 AM. Skipped church. Mom went with Jane probably before 11 AM. Lunch: I forget. Started cleaning the house and stuff after like 04:00 PM, that included dishes, recycling, trash, moved the dresser and music keyboard from the living room into the big garage, I was moving things around for hours, took photos, vacuumed, dusted, shoes into mom's room, moved the couch to the keyboard and house painting wall, they probably got home before 09:00 PM, and then I carried groceries in, carried a heater thing into the RV. Dinner: 10:00 PM. They were both mad at each other long story, you might say they're right/wrong at the same time, there are reasons I'm saying that, I was the person in the middle hearing both sides which there can be things said for both as I was the referee in the middle, we continued moving things for more hours, I got the containers of his like pictures and everything out. Retired for the day around 12:30 AM Monday. They might send him home someday. But they should at least try chemo or something. Another hospital should take him. But at the moment it seems they are unable to get one. They're not even feeding him because they say that feeds the cancer. But it also feeds your immune system which is always fighting cancer in humans and animals all the time as cancer is like gravity or weeds in a garden. So I was working doing all of that for over eight hours without stop. Food log: Breakfast: banana, coffee, 08:40 AM. Lunch: I forget. Dinner: some of the stew stuff from the big instant pot with chicken at 10:00 PM and well started eating a little around 06:00 PM. Tea after midnight.