"Be gone!"

in #twbwritingcontest6 years ago (edited)

Photo belongs to @nubelloronaOoferrrrrrr.png

The house was enormous and nowadays it’s still inside of a vineyard as magnanimous as the house itself. The smell of grapes was felt throughout the entire property and it flowed deliciously through the columns with spiral decorations. In another moment there was a bigger number of inhabitants, but on that last November, there were only two people left: the siblings Demion and Coraline Hiero. The servants and butlers also left, but this didn’t cause any sadness to the siblings, which had adopted as a routine keeping the house clean, although they never received any visits. They didn’t care about this either. And it was like this, in loneliness, how they celebrated their wedding on a November eleventh of the following year. Coraline wore a purple dress. Demion loved it. Sometimes he remembered how pleasant it was for him to discover the sexual impulses between the open legs of her younger sister. The altar to pleasure was always carpeted with golden hair; it was some years ago at the garden. The siblings continued with their daily routine: they had breakfast, cleaned the house; they had sex, had lunch. Nevertheless, they avoided to share temples like the same bathroom or the same bedroom to not get tired of each other. Coraline loved to paint and withdrew in it every afternoon at her studio. Demion spent his time watching movies in his personal movie room; at sunset they prayed an Our Father in front of the big image of Jesus Christ in the middle of the living room of the house, which shone like the sun. It was nothing out of the ordinary for the Hiero family.

One hot June afternoon, Coraline was cleaning the living room. Her brother entered without her noticing and put his shoulder on top of Saturn’s black statue next to the stairs.

-My dear and beautiful little sister- said Demion, dragging her out of her task. -I’ve brought you something to drink- he said, pouring two wineglasses. -It’s terribly hot.
-Coraline stood up. She drank from the wineglass with quick sips. -Before anything else, I must wish you a happy birthday- she hugged him. Demion got her closer to him, first he looked for her lips and then he introduced his
tongue. They then let go of each other. -This is for you- said Coraline excitedly, putting n her brother’s hands a beautiful amethyst.
-It’s beautiful Cora, Thank you very much. I’ll also have to prepare something this wonderful for you in three months. Coraline laughed openly.
-We’ll have visits today, won’t we?
-Will Matilda come? She asked, looking at her brother’s eyes. He looked
-Yes. She’ll come. She’s number eleven. She’s very special. You should at least come down to say hi.
-I never like the lovers that you choose, Demion. I might say hi, but I want to go paint as soon as I finish here.
-As you like. But then don’t complain when I call you rude.

Some time ago, the siblings started to look for students using the house as residence. It all happened casually in a conversation during breakfast.
-There are a lot of students looking for a residence- started to say Coraline. Don’t you think we could use the house to…?
-Wow sister, I think that my theory that you’re becoming crazier is quite on point- interrupted Demion, cleaning his mouth with a napkin. -Besides, we don’t need any money.
-I know we don’t. But the house is too big for the both of us. And our mission as Catholics is to help our neighbor- she said. Her brother looked at her with those cute and silly eyes that she liked. -Besides, why don’t we also hire a gardener? We can’t do everything on our own and we need a pretty house.
-You know that what’s sacred in our lives is silence. The silence is our most sacred nature and is also what gets us closer to God. I don’t argue that we should help other, though. But if they break or steal anything, it
will be your fault, Cora -he caressed her hair- they can’t get into our parents’ bedroom either. And the garden issue is true. I’ll make some phone calls.
-I hope that this helps to disipate the insidious comments from our neighbors- said Coraline angrily, staring at Demion with reproval.

Coraline always locked herself in her studio to paint her pictures while she was thinking about Demion. In that macro universe of the Hiero house, there was nothing else to do rather than thinking about the others in silence. Silence was the nature of the house even though it was being used as a residence every now and then. Now there were three people in the house. Coraline was dressed in red and painted with paint the color of wine over a canvas while she thought: shall everyone be happy under the bliss of ignorance. I say it for him, but especially for her lovers. In Demion, it is hard to know if he lies or if he says the truth. Nevertheless, he was always a boy that enjoyed to toy everyone else. I think this is actually true, now that the masculine egos begin to grow. No wonder I hate how noisymhis lovers are, in comparison to mine. The walls of this house make the moanings even noisier than what one could expect. Of course, Demion always liked to go to the movies; personally I dislike mostly every movie, nevertheless, sometimes he finds something that I can enjoy. He has always been trapped in the curse of being our family’s first born (she cleaned her brush and she stared at the humanoid figures of the painting) “it lacks more red” she said, and she went back to her nebula of thoughts. Then you went to college and met Esther. I always hated her. Our parents loved her. When that happened, we weren’t rejected yet, like we are today. Underneath, in another place of the house, you could hear the laughter of Demion and Matilda, a student of first year of Medicine, they were naked and drunk on wine. Demion still had an erection. Matilda had her mount of
Venus full of semen. Matilda, with her eyes full of lust made a lot of comments praising his virility and Demion’s androgynous beauty. He smiled and told her: “I am like Saint John, the Baptist”. Matilda didn’t fully understand that. They played tag around what was only a black stone with Saturn drawings for Matilda.

-One…-counted Demion on the first turn. -Two-he indicated, and they continued laughing. -Three.
-Four- the girl joined the playful counting. -Five… Six…

-Seven- said Demion. Both of them were panting. They hugged. The erected penis got on top pf Matilda’s abdomen. They kissed deeply. Demion looked for something between the curves of the stone, taking out a sharp object.

Coraline heard the scream from her studio. “We finished for today. I hope.”

Demion locked himself inside of his personal movie room. He was dressed in purple and carried a towel with which he dried his hair.

Now, to forget a little. It’s not that he needed it. But how is it that Coraline wants me to always remember the things that I don’t like? It’s her the one that’s always had the astonishing ability of remembering everything as if it was a photograph, but with all the details of a good painting. I’m not like that. And maybe that’s why she is the one that paints locked in and alone, while I consume myself here sometimes with my movies, imagining that these are my memories. I like that, or at least I think that.

Demion saw a movie that caught hid attention and took it out of the shelf.

Ah! Cora would like this one; it’s in black and white, has romance, drama and tragedy; but it also has beautiful images of paradise and hell.

He put it in the player and he sat on his violet velvet sofa.

I wonder what wold be of her without painting. Would she still be the same shy girl from before that was only looking for something to do? I remember that Cora found in painting something that transcend men her age or older, that only told her that she should be a compliant housewife with her future husband. She became a woman even weirder when, dressed in carmine, she locked herself in her studio to paint giving brush-stroke after
brush-stroke ignoring the whole world.

He took out a bag of chips and served himself a glass of wine: he started to eat mechanically.

But to me, she’s still the same person. In time she starte to only accept my gifts, but during her teenage years, she got filled with a huge collection of broken hearts, which she used to cut with a simple “thanks” and threw away all the clothes and jewelry that she was given to the trash in some dark corner of her bedroom. I know. I could see it all when we were sweaty under the bedsheets, hiding from our parents. Now I wonder, had our family spared any trouble if they payed attention to what you painted?

Hours later, Demion was asleep over the couch while the credits of some movie were playing. The volume was very low, so he could hear the sound of the wind sneaking into the house. It was some point at dawn, and it was
very cold outside. Suddenly, Demion could hear some incomprehensible whispers; we suddenly woke up, but he didn’t feel frenzied. Now these whispers began to have meaning. He knew them very well.
He straight out got up from the couch, tripping with some things outside of the room in the dark hallway, cursing for every object that he tripped with. He could feel the cold over his skin like ice daggers. He left running and went up the spiral stairs at the end of the hallway, that goes up only to a third and last floor of the house. From then on, the whispersmgot stronger. Here, there was only one hallway with a yellow path that leads to a huge wooden gate in the middle of two columns. This gate was covered with a rainbow. He swallowed deeply and entered.mHe could hear his heartbeats getting faster like the “confutatis maledictis” from Mozart. The next hall had a floor carpeted like a chessboard. He turned on the light, and walked to the end of it, where there were some stairs with a statue of Saturn on the left, and to the right a Christ carrying a cross. He went upstairs and got to the final room where there only were an altar and a clock over the wall. All the noise abruptly got quiet. The calm of the ever-present silence that usually reigned over the Hiero household came back. Demion stared intently towards the altar. There were the eleven skulls that he and his sister had collected through the years, five from Coraline, and six from him; Matilda’s was the most recent. He got closer to look at them. His heart was still restless due to those whispers.

One hand touched Demion’s shoulder. It was that man with a beautiful and delicate face like a woman’s, a beautiful face, delicate, with long and curly hair like his; a smooth face with blue, deep eyes that remind you of John the Baptist. It was mister Hiero, his father.

Coraline woke up when she heard that someone was knocking at her door.

-Coraline, Coraline! Open the door! -yelled Demion from the other side while he knocked. Coraline opened the door. Her face reflected the disdain of someone who was woken up from a pleasant sleep.
-What happened Demion? -she asked, keeping herself as serene as she could. She hadn’t talked to her brother almost during the whole day, becausemMatilda’s presence earlier really bothered her.
-Cora-he said, panting and frantic- it’s them, Cora. His sister let him into the bedroom. Demion breathed in big puffs of air. -I was asleep. They called me. I thought they would be calm if… If… We did things… Right. But
they weren’t! I saw them. Father. Mother. And the others are back and have taken more from the house, Coraline. They took control of the third floor completely and from my movie room. Coraline tried to calm him down caressing his hair and offering him a glass of water. Demion drank from it.
-So, for what you’re saying, they have only left us with a quarter of the house- stated Coraline after a while.
-I don’t want to go out- said Demion like a scared little boy. His sister hugged him and kissed him on the forehead. Then she told her that he could spend the night with her.

The next morning was very sunny and the temperature began to rise. They were both lying in the same bed and not wanting to get up thanks to that rigid position in which they had slept. Coraline moved a lot and her face
showed that she was very worried. Demion tried to get up, when he felt Cora’s hand cling to his shirt’s sleeve. He tried to let go gently, but he couldn’t. He looked at her. He loved her more than anyone.

Next, Demion noticed that Coraline had brought the painting that she was doing in her studio. Naturally, that happened before last night’s events. He looked at it fascinated, it was virgin Mary dressed in red holding baby
Jesus who was also dressed in red. He dedicated another look to Cora. He got his face close to hers and kissed her on the lips. Then we whispered to her, asking her to calm down. She stopped moving, but her face was still
anxious. They went to have breakfast in the kitchen. Demion looked at the coffee with disgust. Coraline hadn’t eaten anything either. They were too busy thinking in silence.

For the siblings, as the days went by, the house got smaller and smaller, and the routine shorter. Suddenly, there weren’t as many spaces to clean or take care of. Demion could no longer watch movies, but he had some books
that would still check out. Coraline kept painting, but less into it. They were too worried. There was too much noise in the house. Murmurs, laughter, moans; steps on the hallways and eyes that judged the relationship between the Hiero siblings. They had to live hiding inside their own house. Demion could barely caress Coraline’s naked thighs without feeling that someone was about to censure his actions.

-Do you think Esther’s with them? -she asked, taking her brother out of his
-I don’t know, but it’s probable -pointed Demion minutes later.
-Do you think our parents will chase us until the end?
-I wouldn’t want I to be like that, Cora; our parents were very stubborn. I thought they were left buried after the funeral, but it wasn’t like that. They began to appear and walk around the house.
-And yet, we made eleven sacraments to God to calm them down. It was our duty to their spirits.
-Esther was also a victim of the disease, now that I remember. It’s a shame that what we had couldn’t have been buried with her.
-Were you afraid to tell her something about her decease? -she asked
holding Demion’s hand strongly.
-Yes. You know I’ve always been weak compared to you -answered Demion,
bitterly. There was silence in their mouths for a while. -Let’s leave here,
-But where?
-I don’t know. Far away from here. We don’t need to take anything… We have money, don’t we? We’ll be together, Cora.
-Wherever, together…
Some hours later, the brothers were walking stealthily through the halls of the house carrying small suitcases. While they were walking they remembered those fights between Demion and his dad. Coraline remembered that time when their mother almost caught them having sex under the altar of the chessboard hallway. Then, both remembered the funerary scenes in which they said goodbye to their parents and then Esther. Coraline remembered the five young men that she seduced and consumed. She felt sadness because things didn’t go the way they wanted to. Surely Demion thought the same thing. Next, the whispers got stronger and the footsteps turned into the sound of a chase. They ran faster until they reached the entrance of the house. Demion had spread some gasoline. He didn’t know if it would be enough to consume the entire house, but at least he could be able to stop his parents and other relatives. Demion lit the match and threw it. The fire appeared and started to burn down the wood. The crackle from it came off as a frightening sound. The siblings saw through the fire at their angry parents. There were also Esther and some other boys and girls.
-Wherever together- said Coraline, dedicating a hateful look at her father.

The end.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://seifiro.timeets.xyz/2018/08/12/art-prompt-writing-contest-13-be-gone/


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Ohhh. Thank you. This means a lot for me <3.

Wao! Am intrigued by your style of writing. I love this piece so much.

Thanks for the share @seifiro, i hope to visit your blog more often

Thanks for reading. That means a lot for me.

A great write up....have you ever author a book...give a try 👍

I will. That is one of my goals after all <3. Thank you.

I like the contrasts of your scene. I also love seeing how different people handle sex.

Thank you. I did my best with the english.

goth dramas are a part of me.

Your English is excellent.
My only correction is this word:
"Esther was also a victim of the decease" - I'm pretty sure you want the word disease (a medical condition/ailment) instead of decease (to stop living) - both in that sentence and the one following it.

Thank you. You have nice eyes. I fixed it.

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It is a honor!

Excellent story. Had me all the way to the end.

Thank you. That is a honor.

Hello @seifiro, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you!