The Punisher Review
There is something compelling about Netflix's TV shows, you have to binge watch them all, and I've just finished watching newly released The Punisher. The Punisher comes after already established universe set by the Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and unfortunately Danny Rand. All together they form the Defenders, and Punisher should of been a big part from the start. But it is okay, Punisher came late but it was worth it. This show is as brutal as it can get and it serves a justice for the comic book character. Blood overflow is the main theme here, so if you hate seeing blood this show is not for you. Can you imagine someone else playing Frank Castle anymore, I know I can't, Jon Bernthal was born for this role. David "Micro" Lieberman was Frank's teamup, he always made things interesting with his own interesting personal story, they make one hellova team.
The main characters are great, but how are villains portrayed in this first official season of The Punisher. I don't want to spoil anything but they are fairly interesting as well as other supporting cast, it was never boring, aside from some flashbacks Frank keeps coming back to. This show also opens up many burning questions of today with the gun violence and PTSP of the veteran troops, so if you find those topics interesting there is something for you in this show. What is surprising for me, the were no cameos from the previous shows mentioned. I rate this one slightly above every other Marvel's Netflix show aside from Daredevil. Well worth the watch, check it out if you haven't already. Score 9/10

Honestly the best Marvel serie they brought us. Jon Bernthal was absolutely fantastic. Binged them all in 1 day with great pleasure!
Really fun show, made me go holee fuck in more than one occasion.
Yeah, he was a bad ass as well. I expected something totally different at first but this was way better than my expectations!
I've watched the Punisher as well. Truly a masterpiece of acting. Jon Bernthal was good in The Walking Dead but this part was really made for him and just for him.
Great show and great post love the content keep up the good work!
"we were far from perfect, but when I remember her, it's like all the shitty stuff, it fades away, you know, it just When I think about her, she's always got that smile, you know? Oh, yeah."
This got me good.