in #tvg2 years ago

Using blockchain technology, computers on a network can securely communicate "blocks" of information that are made up of records of digital transactions. Chaining occurs when a new block is added to an already-existing one. This makes it hard to change information from the past. Blockchain technologies are best known for their use in digital currencies like bitcoin. However, these technologies have potential that goes beyond currencies and financial transactions.
Cryptocurrency is the most talked-about subject all over the world. Most investors think that cryptocurrency is the best long-term investment option right now. People who know how to ride the waves of the volatile cryptocurrency market and do short trades can also make a lot of money. If you have time and can wait, the big gains are over the long term. Cryptocurrency projects can also give us ideas and help people in the long run. Let's look at the top cryptocurrency project TVG that you need to know about and look into.
By giving to charity, everyone keeps their social standing. Giving to charity has become a sign of success with the rise of show business and the media. This is why so many famous people, politicians, and wealthy people give to charity: not just to help others, but also to boost their own social status.
Charity has always been about helping people who have less than you do. Donating money to non-profit organisations can help save the lives of innocent people.


This article is about one cryptocurrency project that tries to solve a problem that all charity fundraising projects have. It not only gets rid of problems, but it is also the easiest way to give money. It also has a plan for technical growth and development, which shows that the project has a lot of room to grow. So keep reading until the end to learn everything there is to know about TVG!

What does TVG mean?
TVG is a social currency that is based on a technology called blockchain. The TVG team has come up with a new way to make contributions easy, predictable, and safe that is based on blockchain technology. TVG coin will be the first and best system in the bitcoin market to help charities. Customers can count on every dollar they spend, and through the TVG Charitable Supply Fund, a portion of TVG will be given to a good cause.

TVG is an e-commerce token built on the TRC20 standard that is used on the TRON blockchain network. TVG Coin is valuable because it lets people join the TVG community. The main goal of charity has always been to help those who have less. Donating to non-profit groups can help save the lives of innocent people. Every gift, big or small, is important. Even a small donation would be very helpful. Everyone is able to share in the profits by betting and trading. The TRC20 ecosystem has faster transactions, lower gas costs, and the ability to use more than one chain.


TVG is a social coin that lets people trade or buy TVG coins and give money to charity at the same time. It lets people send money to other countries and makes sure that all financial transactions are completely clear. Also, using blockchain technology for social good has many advantages over the old ways of giving money to charity.

At the moment, one TVG coin is worth one cent, and it can be bought and sold on Vindax. The TVG team is very excited about TVG's plans for the future of bitcoin and blockchain technology. Their kindness will help the team build the open-source blockchain network for the TVG.
TVG's Mission and Goals
The goal is for 193 countries to accept TVG as a world currency. The number is set to one trillion coins because the TVG team wants that many coins to be in circulation so that everyone in this open society that is growing quickly can use them.

The TVG team's goal is to look at everything in context so that everyone can use the currency and hold some of it.

The TVG team is sure that if we work hard and stay committed and if we get the support and encouragement we need from all over the world, we will be able to build a community that is involved around the world.

The TVG team wants to be one of the best by the year 2023. There are 50 major players in the bitcoin market. The team wants the cryptocurrency market to be worth $500 billion by 2026, while also meeting other important goals.
The goal is to have a database with one million active users by next year.
We hope to be in the top 50 in terms of the capitalization of the cryptocurrency market by 2023.
In 2026, TVG's cryptocurrency capital will be worth $500 billion.

Symbol: TVG
Use the TRC20.
Total: 1 trillion, trillion, trillion TVG
TVG's charity fund is worth 100,000,000,000,000. (One Hundred Billions)

1st quarter
Supported Crypto Expo Dubai 2022 as sponsors.
have registered with the UAE DMCC and are awaiting our license.
TVG will be on the air in at least 3 exchanges.
2nd quarter
Integration with the app for mobile games
start of putting together and analysing TVG's own exchange
Working with NGOs all over the world
Connection with the casino business
Utilities Development Begins
listed on all of the world's major stock exchanges.
TVG has its own exchange platform for cryptocurrencies.
Development and analysis of the TVG blockchain will start.


All know that a lot of non-government organisations (NGOs) and charities still have trouble getting enough money. They have trouble getting consistent enough and enough money for their activities. A big part of this challenge is getting access to the right sponsors. The fees are high, which makes scaling hard. Because of how strong the blockchain is, donations to TVG are not only free, but they are also changing how people give. So, you can trust every dollar you trade with TVG, and every time you trade or buy TVG coins, we'll give a donation from our TVG Charitable Supply Fund to a good cause, saving you money. So, you'll get the benefits of TVG and help out a good cause at the same time. So, our project does good things and makes money at the same time! So it's a good thing to put money into.

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TVG is a social coin that lets people trade or buy TVG coins and give money to charity at the same time