Netflix's American Vandal - My Personal Thoughts so far (spoilers)
So I have started a new Netflix series this week called "American Vandal" and I am currently 3 episodes in!

I thought I would include the trailer so you are able to get a better understanding of the story and the characters:
The show is set up in a documentry style very similar to Netflix's Original series "Making a Murderer" which explored the real life murder prosecution of Steven Avery. Even the theme/opening to American Vandal is similar to "Making a Murderer".
I actually really liked this idea as even though this story is fictional, the theme and the documentary style really makes the show believable and interesting even though the story itself is utterly ridiculous.
We follow the main character Dylan who is a known dick drawer and trouble maker. He is being accused of spray painting dicks on 27 of the staff & faculties cars. Dylan swears he hasn't done it, and 2 fellow students intend on uncovering the truths behind this crime.

So far all we have uncovered is that Dylan was at his friends house playing pranks on the next door neighbour (camera footage) then lied to his friends that he was going to a shop to use the bathroom, but really he was going to Mac's (his girlfriend) house. He then returned to the friends house half an hour later. This half an hour slot was also the time of the crime.
The thing that strikes me the most is the lengths this show goes to to be a documentary. With Sam & Peter (documentary makers) uncovering small hints, going on road trips to visit sights in which there may be evidence as well as the diagrams that are created to show various findings, such as the distance and time between Dylans house and the school, syncing up video footage to Dylans timeline etc.

I also really enjoy that it features Jimmy Tatro's (actor who plays Dylan) youtube life as that is how he began his career. It's really awesome that it is incorporated into this show, I think it adds major value as it shows real life home videos which makes the documentary more realistic.
So, is Dylan being framed for the crime? Or is he a compulsive liar, which is demonstrated on multiple occasions throughout the interviews.
I really hope it isnt dylan, so my 2 predictions are:
-Mrs Shapiro - who taught Dylan's older brother and has had it out for Dylan ever since. Who blamed Dylan on punctured tyres, even though she knew it was due to running over a nail. And who setup the meeting with the students to make the principal look bad, then she swooped in to save the school lunches so a witness would come forward.
-Alex Trimboli - who all round seems like a weasel. Who was the only "witness". Who has had several private meetings with Mrs Shapiro.
Maybe they're in on it together?
If you have already watched the show, please don't spoil the ending.
If you only a little of the way through it, like me - leave your prediction down below.
I'm looking forward to seeing who really spray pained 27 dicks on the cars!
Thanks for reading!
Stay Excellent!
I got a couple of episodes in and then got distracted. Might revisit it.
Ooh! What do you think so far? Who dun it!?!
Pretty confident it was Dylan.
Its such a mundane event to document that I reckon the reveal will also be mundane.
Guess we'll find out soon enough.
I watched this show a little while ago, it was actually pretty enjoyable and surprisingly funny! Great parody of the sometimes over-serious crime documentaries out there. Enjoy watching the rest of it!
I know!! I got some good laughs out of it !
I finished it last night and I loved it! Although not sure about the ending!! Will make another post with my final thoughts on it ;)
Haha this was such a good show! So well done and so dumb at the same time.
Yeah I think it was fantastically produced! It also captures high school life quite well I believe !