First Date _not bad for a reality show

in #tv6 years ago

Saw the Israeli version for the original British reality show called "first date" in which so called actual dates are happening.

Usually, l dont like reality shows but there is something special and autentic about this one.

Firs of all there are a lot of close ups on gormet food which stimulate your senses and help draw you inside the contents.

Moreover, I like the gossips of the waitresses around, its funny and real and gives you a glimpse of how the couple looks from the side,

And thirdly, I dont know who are the crazy people who want to participate in a show like this and put themeselves out in this personal situation, but you get to see all sorts of people and how they communicate and interact and you can also try to understand how phisical attraction works or not between two people.



Oh and the best thing is that they cast not just heterosexual people and not stigmatic like we used to see on primetime


first dates are mostly kind of strange... good possibility for a show... nice idea 😊 @peekbit

ohho at first i thought its u and your ♥
they meet in bar haha