3 Simple Reason to watch Gotham
1. It is a clever, but familiar origins story.

Gotham opens like every other Batman story, but instead of the time jump we stick around. We watch as young Bruce, David Mazouz, struggle, and “comes to terms” (as much as Bruce Wayne can) with his loss. We get to see the most amazing, and gorgeous, Alfred of all time. Sean Pertwee’s Alfred is one BAMF and Gotham show cases this. While you think that this shows main focus would be Bruce, it is not. Part of Gotham’s magic is how they run the plotlines. We follow so many different characters in so many different parts of their lives. Most of the focus season 1 falls on a young, by the book detective and his gruff, been there done that partner. Which brings me to my next point.
2. Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock

Look at this odd couple. Aren’t they magnificent. Jim Gordon, Ben McKenzie, comes to the GCPD to bring hope back to the city of Gotham. He is met with obstacles left and right. One of his biggest being his partner, Harvey Bullock, Donal Logue. Harvey’s lackadaisical attitude doesn’t exactly gel with Jim’s ambitions. Watching these two become a powerhouse partnership is one of the many joys of Gotham.
3. Villains
The villains, Gotham's bread and butter. Now, I am going to break this down to individualize, but the origin stories the Gotham has created for these villains is a breath of fresh air. Instead of a snippet into their minds, we get to see the actual rise of Batman’s biggest foes. And yes, we do get some new characters and new takes, but that is what keeps the show interesting.

You can watch Gotham on Netflix. It starts slow, so give it a few episodes before you make up your mind!
All above images are property of FOX.