How to buy Populous tokens on 9th of July at Etherdelta exchange - tutorial.

in #tutorials8 years ago (edited)


How to deal with delta

This is tutorial showing how to handle Etherdelta exchange which many people struggle with. Most of you probably even have not heard of it at all.

I will show how you can buy Populous PPT token which will be available here tomorrow:

Btw you can still win over 180 STEEM in my Populous contest:


Let me start with the most basic things which might help complete noobs.

You need your ETH wallet which you can get here:
Then you need some ETH to load it and you can buy it here:

Creating Etherdelta account is just two click process:


In the top right corner click Select account and choose new account.

The window will pop up and you should save your private key now. Take a photo of it, write it down, save it to some external secured drives. As you would do with any other wallet, myetherwallet or BTC wallet. Just make sure you have it safe.

There you go! You are already registered.

Then you will see your address in the same place:


It's tricky to copy (at least in Firefox) so use right click and choose:

Then you can charge your address with ETH.

When your ETH arrives you will see it in the BALANCE box on the left:


Mine is empty because it's a test account but to deposit ETH into your trading wallet just put the amount and click deposit.

Now it's the time to buy PPT, you can set up your own order or just click the red one and fill it (I used VERI example here because there are no sell orders for PPT yet):

You can see your executed orders on the right:


Now it's the time to withdraw your tokens, switch your tab from Deposit to Withdraw:

Transfer out

And finally transfer out to your desired ETH account:

2017-06-03 (9).png

How can I claim my tokens?

Input the following:

Address: 0xd4fa1460f537bb9085d22c7bccb5dd450ef28e3a
Symbol: PPT
Decimal: 8

Check the latest news about Populous:

Our Secret Sauce

Clif High is extremely excited about PPT:

Watch the official Twitter for more news:

If you have any questions about using Etherdelta exchange ask me in comments!


Thanks, @dawidrams, good write-up :)

Great article. I'm so hyped for Populous!

Great tutorial. Thanks so much for creating this useful tool.

As always clearly and easy to understand for everyone. Thank you Dawid !!

Super usefull! Thx ! Heard via Ian's telegram group.. :)

There are so many types of crypto and it is quite confusing for a non-savy crypto person liked me. This really helps because it gives step by step instruction.

Hey, I don't see PPT on MyEtherWallet, what should I do? I just bought some on EtherDelta and I don't know how to take them out of there to my Hardware wallet.

Withdraw and then use transfer function. It's all in my article.

I think the address you are providing to create the PPT token is incorrect. Here is a link to the correct address:

Why isn't the populous token listed on coinmarket cap? They've know for 3 weeks the release date?
How can etherDelta be trading tokens owned by individuals that bought into the pre-sale? I get the smart contract concept, but the populous platform token, which isn't listed should be identified as a contract purchase or something, because until it's listed why would anyone trust it?
Oh and tell why Californium, at #733 on CoinMarkCap, with a market cap of $5,242 and 24 hour volume of 17 dollars -is- listed as a coin and ppt isn't ? Again not venting at you, just some questions everyone needs to be asking....
The etherdelta site is 8 shades past ridiculous. they should have at least linked to your directions instead of sending everyone (and I mean everyone) to a month old reddit comment on how to trade on ehterdelta. No prices, no volumn, some of the headings are covered with different font.
GIF's as part of the directions???
After following a good chunk of yesterday and some of today on the chat, I'm not buying anything there. I'll feel lucky to get my eth from my ED wallet back to my eth wallet. Sorry to vent...thanks for the article, I may write one on my experience...

Too bad i cannot upvote anymore.. the last part about adding the token gave me a hard time to be honest!