how to check incandescent bulb condition using analog multi tester
A tutorial on how to check the conditions of the incandescent bulb.
There are two possible conditions of incandescent bulb.
- Ok and ready to use
- Not ok and need to be replaced.
After these simple tutorial the readers will learn the following.
- How to use multi tester to check incandescent light bulb.
- How to check for incandescent bulb condition.
- Will know the benefits of checking the incandescent bulb.
Materials Needed
- Analog multi tester
- Incandescent bulb
Theoretical background
A incandescent bulb is an electric light with a wire filament heated to such a high temperature that it glows with visible light. Nowadays, people tend to use LED bulb for some reasons, but in some cases there were some still using incandescent bulb for its particular application. In fact a lot of spare of incandescent bulb found in your storage room. Right?
The incandescent bulb is made up of filament wire which means that if we test for the continuity using ohmmeter the desired reading is always a small value of resistance (almost zero value) for a good or ok to use incandescent bulb and for bad or not ok incandescent bulb a high resistance (open circuited) will the ohmmeter reads.
Basic parts of an incandescent bulb.
Below are the steps.
Step 1|
Set the analog multi tester to ohmmeter mode.
Step 2|
Place the test probes of the tester one on the electrical foot contactof the light bulb and other on the screw thread side of the bulb (interchanging the test probes will not change the result). Refer to the picture below

Observe that the reading of the ohmmeter is almost zero or a very small value which means that the incandescent light bulb is in good condition and ready to use.
Now, if the reading of the analog multi meter gives infinite value it means that the incandescent light bulb is not ok and need to be replaced. Refer to the photo below.

What are Benefits.
1. Save time!
2. Save money!
1. Click the link below each picture.
2. Others are my own photos.
That makes so much sense! It saves you from trying it with an actual lamp socket. does every Phillipino write English so well?
Yes! you're correct @leprechaun, In connection to your question, I believe there are some pinoy who are good in english but in the other hand, there are also a lot who are not. It is all about communication enhancement factor. Thank you!
6.21% @pushup from @calmabryan27ree