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RE: My Life's Journey - Finally rebuilding our home with my father after it was ravaged by war.

in #tsufamily8 years ago

Reading your story and looking at your family warms my heart. You DO look more like your dad and your brother more like your mom.
The laughter of your dad (even in his 60s) is superb! I could see that joy and kinder spirit in him planning and rebuilding the house. The way you describe your dad reminds me of my own dad. He really does know how to do a lot of stuffs, almost everything I must say. I used to help him when we repainted our living room once a while, and while I was away and my brother was getting married he literally repainted my brothers room all by himself! That's the superdads we have.
Right now my dad is in his 70s and his hands are frail. Sometimes it hurts to see him unable to hold the hammer like he used to but he never gives up making the family house a little nicer everytime I return home to visit them. That sort of never give up spirit is something I will forever admire and remember him for.
I look forward to see your family home back as good as new. Those shells are MASSIVE! I was wondering were those just wall papers until I re-read your post.
Definitely a post worth upvoting!


I really do. I even have the same a bit crooked nose like my father. lol

I can remember so many times when something would break down, he would not quit until he fixed it.Just like you said a never give up attitude. I believe it is a big reason why all my family is alive today. That attitude got us through war. That is why all through his life he acquired knowledge to do and fix literally anything. I would have to agree with you, superdads indeed.

The shells were massive since they made such a big holes. Soon we will patch those up too. Anyways thank you for stopping by, and leaving a wonderful comment. I will keep you updated on our progress. :)

Have an amazing day. :)