Faery Tales and Formulas (Celebs in the Conspiracy Space)¥

in #truthers5 months ago (edited)

There seems to be a growing number of celebrities entering the space that previously was occupied by a fringe group of individuals who for some reason or another - doubt that what they were being told - was true.

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There is a name for these groups - Truthers.
Implying of course, that if you were not part of their movement - you were simply Liars.
That is probably an inaccurate since a vast majority of people - probably just don't know - or care enough to lie. Lying takes skill and more often than not - a special sort of talent.
People who lie so convincingly that folks believe them - are called "politicians". Those that lie occasionally and get paid for each job - are called "actors".
Actors used to be called "hypocrites" but that word is now seldom used to describe the thespian. They aren't lying willfully to decieve you - they are lying to ENTERTAIN you. And thus, we love actors more than politicians. (At least until Donald Trump entered the ring - and became BOTH.) Nowadays of course, these entertaining thespians often go by the term celebrity. It's a sort of catch-all term that helps to include singers and dancers and onlyfans-ers etc.
The thing about being an entertainer - especially an actor - is that work is seldom ever constant. And somehow actors need to make ends meet between movies or TV shows. And that is often much harder than folks might think.
We know politicians lie. But they lie BIG. The bigger the lie - the essier it is to sell. And so, with each passing generation the lies have to grow larger and larger.
Truthers - for the most part - have kept pace with Government lies. But they seldom get all the facts right at the get-go. But ever since the Israeli-engineered false flag on September 11th 2001 - Government realized that they could have had the narative stolen from right under their noses.
So they went REALLY big in 2020. So big in fact, that they realized they could probably get half the world's population euthanize themselves by just locking them up long enough in their homes and then injecting themselves with synthetic King cobra venom or the modified mRNA that turns them into the snakes themselves.
China had a real field day - welding folks into their apartments and then microwaving them with weaponized 5G to fake an outbreak of some bat virus. But then they brought in the pangolins and a creepy elf-like creature called Fauci - and the narative shatteted to pieces.
By the time Klaus Schwab showed up folks weren't at all sure if ANY virus had ever been manufactured in Fort Detrick and made its way to China via Justin Trudeau's ass.
The truthers were there first. And they had leaked way too much of the plan - way too early. As in almost 12 years too early. Enough time to get enough people to survive Bill Gates' idiocy. That is a perfect term for Ruled by Billionaires - Idiocracy. (As opposed to an actual democracy.)
The truthers have always been there - going back to the coup which followed the removal of President Kennedy by bunch of Israelis. The early Israelis didn't like John F. Kennedy that much. And JFK for his part, knew he could not trust the ADL not to act as a foreign agent.
So the public was fed an elaborate lie contructed around a lone gunman who was taken out by a supposed vigilante - who in turn - was "Epsteined" in his cell.
And thus began the era of the American faery tale. Nazis building rockets - not to fly to the Moon but to launch nukes to distant continents - and other such such ridiculous but mildly entertaining stories the press would churn out to numb the populace to the fact that America went bankrupt in 1971.
Kissinger of course, had a Keynesian solution to this crisis - the petro dollar. Make the Saudis accept only American currency for oil and in exchange become wealthy beyond any camel hearders' wildest dreams.
The problem of course is that oil is a pretty bad way to back up your money. For one thing, other countries had it too. And they did not have to stick with the Kissinger deal. The good news however is that back in 1971 - very few countries had the technology to extract or refine their own oil without the help of British or American companies.
China needed oil - and they could only pay for it in USD. But back then China was still an Asian backwater - slowly plodding its way from muddy fields into the iron rice bowl of industrialization. Russia had massive oil and gas reserves but it to lay behind the iron curtain of the Soviet Union.
The petro-dollar would work - and hold its place against gold - at least for a little while. The Saudis re-invested their cash by buying US Bonds and (here's the bit you don't know) at least a quarter of the interest paid on those bonds went into a secret slush account called the Exchange Stabilization Fund.
So now, you have perfect currency designed from the ground up - to completely manipulate ANY market.


So what does all of this have to do with Terence Howard?
Well, only as much for you to know that he is an Actor. And like good actors, play their role effectively. Only this time - he is acting in the Truther's space.
And that's a bit of a problem. Truth is a very dynamic thing. It isn't set in stone like dogma. When actors come into this space they bring the same sort of pretense of authority that both government and the church (or, insert religion here if you're not christian)
It's like that blind monk (the Venerable Yorgi) in Umberto Eco's novel The Name of the Rose - insisting that there is no need for searching of new knowledge because there is nothing new under the Sun.

Actors are entering the space (perhaps of their own accord - but I doubt it) in order to bring in finality. And with finality - authority.
And ALL Authority is a Lie.
Yes, I believe ALL celebrities are gate-keepers. They are there to tell you stories - not to provide solutions.
Formulas are essentially crystalized truth. And you really can't mix truth and lies without both adding to zero.

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And that is perhaps EXACTLY what the intelligence agencies want. Nothing quite like a pied piper leading you away from the straight and narrow path.

Yes, Russell Brand - I do mean you.

Further Research :

  1. Jason at Archaix https://www.youtube.com/live/uaVcBrXDn48?si=GKJxxwAkAEBKokGX