
Only when those crooked old bastards croak it, the world will be a better place.
I am doing my bit for the world by supplying music and teaching guitar to children.
Let's all take a step back and look at what we do.. Is it really helping anyone?
Tough subject Tyger :)

yes it does it is just a slow grind sadly and we often do not see the rewards in our lifetime. And good for you on the music and work with kids. May I ask what you do to claim your own autonomy though? What are you doing in your life to up your life quality and gain some level of freedom from the system? Living by example goes a good way to int changing things .

Sure. I was trapped in the system up until 3 years ago.
I am now 37 years old and as soon as I left school I got a job as further education seemed confusing and I was not sure who I was.
For years I worked normal jobs and kept my dreams behind me as I did not have the confidence or the time to achieve them.
I finally cracked at the end of 2015. I was losing my musical skills and had enough of working for an employer with shit rules and conditions and the ever consistent bad weather in the UK.
So I left it all behind and built a new life for myself here.
I am not trapped in a 9-5, the sun always shines and I don't have to earn a monthly salary just to get by.
My petrol cost is $5 a week! rent is a lot cheaper here also.
It is a different world and I can never look back.

good for you. Other good things to cut costs even further are to do domestic changes as well things like collecting rainwater, growing your own food , using wind and solar power ect. you can even do it in an urban setting if you know how , be it through simple bottle based window gardens or making a community rooftop garden ect.

Also it is scientifically proven that musical education improves life quality and in many cases fosters further interest into further education. So basically you are opening worlds for these kids who will have wider horizons that will impact how they operate and perceive their world and they will pass that on to their kids. It is slow change but seeds like that are never for nought one way or another ...

Yes!! I agree with off-grid living!! Unfortunately here in Cambodia the government are just as bent as the rest of them. There is a lot of crime here and theft.. I could see the solar panels being stolen, even the vegetables one would grow. Super messed up here with people only caring about the next bladdy I phone. :(
but slowly people are beginning to wake up.
The sun shines every day here and I dont see one solar panel..

I wouldn't give up on it there are studies that show that community gardens lower crime rates in urban areas. Maybe talk to some of your neighbors and see if they are game. otherwise make a window garden with old soda bottles you hang those inside.

Will keep you updated :)
Cracking page and all the best :)

I do not earn as half as much here but I am at peace knowing I provide a credible service for humanity :)

Part of disengaging from the system is trying to get away from one's dependence on money. It is not always possible to disengage completely but moves like you made go a good way toward that ...

I agree. If I have enough for the day that is all I need. having no mortgage and children helps though :)