
I am sure many here will exemplify exactly how or why it's truth or not if you post a more specific example.

"Truth inherently divides from falsity"

Who/What/ is answered by Truth.
Who inherently divides from falsity?
What - - - -?
Where/when is answered by divides from falsity.
Where is truth?
When is truth? Divided from falsity.
How does truth divide from falsity, or why?
Because they are inherently opposite.
What is inherently opposite to falsity? Truth
Who is inherently opposite to truth? Falsity
Can you verify this with inquiry?
Is falsity truth, and is truth falsity?
A grammar of both words, is a prerequisite to forming the questions.

noun: truth
the quality or state of being true.

noun: falsity; plural noun: falsities
the fact of being untrue, incorrect, or insincere.

If person A says: 1+1=2 and a person B says: 1+1=3, according to that you don't know the answer, wich person you believe ​if they both are the best 2 people on the planet at math and why?

First you define what 1 is:
1, a singular unit, the lowest whole number.
Then you define what + is:
The function of addition, the sum.
Then you define what = is:
The function of equality, the quality of being the same
Then you define what 2 is:
The lowest even number.
Then you define what 3 is:
The lowest prime number.
Those are just the basics, of course you would need to define the system they function in and other pertinent respective functions/definitions.
From that you form the questions.
Who/What statement of the two is true: 1+1=2 or 1+1=3?
Evidently once you understand the grammar you can answer the question:
1 added to 1 is the same as 2, the first statement is true.
1 added to 1 is the same as 3, the second statement is false.

You believe nobody on statements of truth, you can validate truth yourself, belief is not a prerequisite to finding truth, a prerequisite is grammar, you need to understand the grammar or the definition/meaning of the terms used and the you can use critical thinking and logic to come to the conclusion.

You can verify and validate truth and you can invalidate falsity with inquiry.
Who, What, Where, When, and Why.

But, what then when you feel that they both are right?
Another question only for you: Why did you get flagged?


I get it thanks a lot for those great explanations and sorry that you get flagged all the way.