(Think for Yourself) Why I cut my cable, closed my Netflix account and opened my mind (well worth the 8 minutes)

in #truth7 years ago

Your brain essentially goes into an alpha state (sleep mode)...

I suggest after reading you do your own research, especially into the role of the media in todays society, along with Edward Bernays innovative ideas that changed government propaganda forever. I find it hilarious how quick our news outlets are to blame other countries for their share of propaganda, but we are to believe the U.S.A. would never ever be involved with such deceptive practices?!! HA!

I love entertainment. What do you have?! A 3D movie full of mind blowing special effects and incredible imagery? How about a fantastic TV series we can binge on for the next few days? What about the late night talk shows full of spectacles and low grade comedy?! Who is playing in the next sports game?! It will thrilling for sure. It’s a ‘must see’ so make sure you put your life on hold because everyone will be talking about it. In fact, I honestly believe there are some who watch television series just to fit in and be apart of the conversation. Who wants to be an outsider?! We all need to feel included.Feel free to consider me an expert on watching T.V. Trust me, I know all about this. I have existed alongside the television for as long as I can remember. In my youth, fantasizing life events play out similar to a romance movie, a clever comedy or even an adventurous action movie was interesting. It is funny now to look back, so naive, but the screen was and can be very influential. As I get older, experiencing the world and life itself, the two cannot compare. It’s not even fair. Yet, life will at times be boring and monotonous. When existing in an augmented reality, things seem more exciting. The viewer or gamer engaged with every second. Well, I’m now 31, and realize life is nothing like what is shown on the screen because it is exactly that, nothing like life. That reality is doctored, manipulated, stretched and molded to fit your perspective in a very small box, perfect for the unfit human mind, and it plans to keep you for life!

Televsion demands your attention, it feeds off your energy. Have you watched the news lately?! How absurd and blatant their bias! Fake news is only in the light now because it has finally been called out. Publicly, no less! They don’t even try to hide it anymore because each station knows what their viewers want to hear. The viewer will never know the WHOLE STORY because they are not presented with both sides. There is a reason for it all and it extends as far back in history as you want to look. News stations have been filtering the truth through their censoring screens ever since there has been a corporate takeover of information. Once upon a time, there were real journalists and investigative reporting. There isn’t any room for inquisitive questions these days. The 6 corporations (GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS) own over 90% of the media companies whose job it is to inform the public of current events. Those 6 companies have agendas, political agendas, and serve no interest other than their share/stakeholders and the company itself. Just like every other billion dollar corporation, only doing what they do best. I do not blame them. I blamed myself instead.

 It is important that any effort to influence or effect the American public interest be killed by the light of pitiless publicity and analysis." ~ Edward Bernays (Father of Public Relations) READ THIS QUOTE VERY CAREFULLY, FROM THE FATHER OF PROPAGANDA HIMSELF. HIS BOOK “Propaganda” goes over the many methods of manipulation available to maintain control over the public, used by governments worldwide!

I have to ask, when is the last time you were totally devoted to yourself? When have you given yourself the same amount of attention you give to that box? When‘s the last time you took a moment to reflect on your life and where you are headed? The T.V. set requires you to throw these questions to the side, none of them need to be of your concern. The box has all the answers and you should listen, very closely. You might even learn about false narratives they can’t help but subtly avert your focus toward. Certain shows love to be the voice of the ‘people’ while creating and endorsing a world view that threatens our freedoms. Obey. Digest those ideas continuously and your subconscious will gather them all up. Pretty soon, if you could only hear yourself, you’d hear those ideas and thoughts being regurgitated. You’ll also think they were originally yours!!! Since everyone you associate with has gone through the same ‘programming’, feel free to enjoy the conversations with your co-workers and friends without any disagreements.Once you are aware of this information, it will not take long to realize the amount of propaganda shoveled everyday and thrown in our faces!! You have to want to see. You have to be willing to open your mind to a seemingly crazy new idea. You have to lift the veil, peer beyond the curtain and find the the puppeteers strings yourself. Fear is their weapon. I combat it with information and you will too.

 “In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons….it is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” ~ Edward Bernays 

The people who are in control, at the very top, with faces we rarely see and the names we rarely hear, want to mold and shape your way of thinking, hijacking the ability form your own opinion. It is impossible to form an opinion if we have not heard both sides to the story/argument, however it seems that is irrelevant! This is why the opinion is generated for us while we continue to only look for information that confirms our own biases. When we begin to listen to opposing views, instantly a barrier is raised to effectively drown it out, until the potential for harm is over. It’s called ‘cognitive bias’ and we are all affected by it.Sometimes I think I’m a little crazy and I might believe that if I didn’t know any better! Trust me, I know it hurts to arrive at the conclusion that things are not what they seem. That’s truth for ya, no mercy! And yes, being alone on this journey does makes it harder. It is necessary, though,when it comes to “escaping the matrix”. If I haven’t struck a nerve yet, don’t worry! The alternative is you really don’t have to do much at all! Tune in and tune out your own individual and unique thoughts! It seems to me they believe we are unable to make our own decisions and be in control of our lives. Sometimes, I think they are right, only because of the limits that each of us place on ourselves willingly. They are all lies. Your individual power, given to you at birth, is facing threats from all angles. We allow these external factors to take away our power, basically handing it over. More government power, equals less individual power. Less or zero individual power might as well be a death sentence. All this time you thought you were powerless…they are good at what they do.What will you gain from watching 5 hours of television a day (the average)? Numbness, become desensitized to violent behavior, lack of imagination, lack of self worth, lack of self awareness, compliance, regression, tiredness and most likely resentment. Who watches the television? Well, everyone pretty much, but I believe the highly depressed, unmotivated and conflicted individuals indulge the most. Why? Well, it is the escape from their existence that is so appealing. For a moment in time, they can venture off into a state of complete bliss, far from the misery they will feel when the t.v. is turned off. Binge watching was the best because I would really dive in. The world is turning, planes flying and cars are driving, but while binge watching, my reality becomes that screen. There is no other reality. 

The brain is bombarded with illusions tapping into the subconscious. There is a ton of negative news which seems to garner the most attention. People do live vicariously through the misery, wanting to see the destruction, as long is isn't happening to them! The networks are great at using certain words to provoke and trigger emotion. The news is literally designed to keep you distracted, not informed. They need to keep your attention so now they are even more outlandish in their methods, basically becoming a source for entertainment gossip. The subconscious catches everything. Subliminal messaging and advertising are very effective because of this. Why wouldn’t those that are in control not use this to maintain control? Why not use it to keep the public distracted, misinformed, uneducated and desperate?! Our “leaders” are elected to serve powerful interests all over the globe, not we the people, far from the principles our democratic nation was founded upon.So few are awake that the truth can literally be spelled out, IN HEADLINE TYPING, still most people cannot move pass their own bias and shall remain in denial. Denial is a powerful tool of the mind. It allows for the comfort, continuously keeping us safe and out of harms way, to flourish. Those still unaware cannot shake the years of programming, or don’t want to, remaining rigid with their views. The mind will not automatically seek out new perspectives and make changes. It is completely fine and well adjusted. Questioning your environment and reality is not necessary for survival! It is a must if we seek to reclaim our power and take control of our lives, directing it every step of the way!In closing, I hope I was able to convey the power of the television and why it is a hinderance to our lives. How can T.V. be good for the psyche? How can it benefit your mental capacity and help you discern new information as lies or truth? How does it help you learn new things? To grow as a human being? Television can’t and won’t, never will, because it wasn’t designed to. Earlier in his life, Ben Carson was failing in school. His mother was constantly busy, working two jobs, but managed to keep him on a strict schedule, eliminating his time spent indulging in entertainment. Look at where he is now. How many great minds are withering, being suffocated and restrained, all because of the negative effects of television?What happens when we turn off the T.V. and pick up a book?? What happens when we live our lives based on our own expectations, not on the unattainable perfect life on the screen? What happens when you think for yourself and form your opinions? What happens when you begin to look at the world with your own two eyes, not through the narrative of a news channel? What happens when you begin to look at history in a new light, brightened with facts that were purposely excluded??! Finally, what happens when you decide to be a creator, instead of a consumer? You owe it yourself to find out! Think of all the extra time you will have to do what you really want with this life, all the while, void of meaningless distractions. Think of all the commercials you will not see everyday! Advertisements are now everywhere, indeed inescapable, but certainly will be limited. Is all entertainment toxic? No. Is all entertainment designed to manipulate and confuse? No. Is there a grand conspiracy for control of your mind? No, BUT if you do not use it, you lose it. There are plenty of unbiased news websites that give the facts and nothing more. I suggest these for catching up on the current events. You will 100% find stories largely not covered by mainstream media and for good reason!

                                                       Peace & Love~ StunnyG 

 “If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.” ~ Edward Bernays His uncle was Sigmund Freud. This man knew how the public, and individual, mind worked. His methods successfully and subtly converted the masses into consumers, arriving to where we are today, heavily defending against, yet absorbing, propaganda and manipulative narratives.


You put in a lot of effort, but you forgot that those who have seen the truth do not need to read, while those who do need, they are hooked, as you say, to the tv. One of the effects of being hooked is that they do not have the ability to concentrate for long. Your article could have been shorter, but it definitely should have been presented as two or three posts.

I hope your message gets through to hundreds.

I luckily belong to another era - I have never owned a tv, never paid for a licence and get my entertainment from torrents. Never been on FB or twat. I spend a couple of hours per day looking for a variety of alt news sources and then post on Gab and read what is there.

Do not consider myself well-informed, despite Drudge, Zero Hedge, Alex Jones, Gatestone, Tommy Robinson and a variety of others. But at least I am more aware, awake, than most of the people I know, who haven't a clue about the dangers to them and their family. after all, the truth is really too horrendous to believe, isn't it?

Still, I wish you the best and each one person you awaken, it helps, for they in turn might awaken one or more, and so it spreads.

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