Truth Will Always Rise Over Propaganda (Given Enough Time): World Update

in #truth7 years ago (edited)

Painting: Time Saving Truth from Falsehood and Envy
Artist: Francois Lemoyne,1737

65% of American save little or nothing, many Americana’s are struggling but to look at them you would never know, credit is what keeps most American’ afloat. The housing market declines by 7%, the bubble is popping. Moody’s warns that the retail apocalypse is not over yet.China and many other countries are dumping treasuries, they see the writing on the wall. Trump is dismantling the deep state economic structure to prepare the country for the transition. We have now learned the real reason the Judge recused himself because Strozk had a relationship with him. DOJ’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz will be releasing his report and it doesn’t look good for the deep state. Paul Ryan might not run next year. Russia turns the the table on the deep state and says it will start an investigation into the poising of Skripal.The deep state is worried about their puppet government in Iraq, elections are coming up and they are saying Iran is meddling in their elections. US military removed forces from Incirilik airbase in Turkey, the next move is Syria. Follow the plan, the deep state agenda is falling apart very quickly, the corporate media is trying to make sense of all this.

The central bankers have always been afraid of gold, if gold was allowed to move to its real value the people around the world would realize how bad the economy and the fiat system really is. Trump is pushing the tariffs and is going after Germany, most likely he will not back down. This push is to destroy the central bank, this is phase I. More indicators show that the economy is worse off than ever before.McCabe is fired he will not be receiving his pension. The unraveling of corruption has begun and will continue, these individuals will turn on each other as more and more facts come out. McCabe might have thrown Comey under the bus and he didn’t even realize it. Boom, we are going to see alot more of these. The move is on to to bring down the deep state. Trump instructs the CIA not to interfere in the Russian election and as we can see Putin has won. Trump makes plans to remove the troops form Syria. Trust the plan it is all coming together now.

The race to the collapse is on, the Fed is pushing interest rate hikes and Trump is pushing tariffs, tax cuts to break the system. This battle will continue for the next couple of months as both sides try to control the narrative. This will effect the global economy in the end as the entire system will be transitioned into a new system. The wildcard is the deep state, what will their end game move be.McCabe will be brought up on criminal charges, many others will be headed in the same direction. Snowden criticizes Facebook. Putin will decrease military spending, the deep state wants to push sanctions which would be linked to the S-400 missile system.Russia sub is able to reach the shores of the US without being detected. The deep state is now evacuating their paid mercenary forces. The Syrian Army captures a truck with an arsenal of military assets headed to the paid mercenaries. The deep state is preparing a major event and most likely this is going to happen with the next couple of days or weeks, be prepared.

When the recession hits nobody will see it coming. Indicators are pointing to a recession and many indicators are showing that we are already in a recession. Wall Street is preparing for a downturn in global growth. The world is prepared and ready for what is coming. Europe’s inter-banking system is running low on dollars, this will likely start a liquidity crisis. The threat is real the economy is at its end state, be prepared. Facebook is coming under fire, Q in one of the posts says the stage is set, regulation is on its way, push for IBOR (internet Bill of Rights). British government is now saying that Russia has no right to due process, Russia is guilty until they prove they are innocent. .Ukranian pilot that shot down MH17 is now dead, the mop up operation is underway. The meeting between Trump and Kim Jong Un looks like it will take place in the DMZ. The Pentagon is reporting that they will resume drills on April 1,how will NK react. Russia has stopped false flag chemical attacks in Syria three times now, the deep state is blocked at every turn. Germany officials say Syria is safe and the refugees should return home. Chaos in Texas, multiple bombs found.

Snowden reveals that the NSA has been targeting Bitcoin users and tracking their transactions. The Fed raises rates, they have just fired a shot across the bow to block the plan. The plan is in motion and Trump has started a trade war with the largest US trading partner. This has been done on purpose, China, Russia and the US are now in talks to take down the central bankers, reset the system and take the world off of the dollar and fiat currency. The take down of the global system is being pushed forward. Facebook is feeling the heat, more and more people are looking into Facebook’s practices, this will spread to other social and search media giants. The push for regulations is on. Zuckerberg and other executives are dumping their stocks at a record pace. US, North Korea and South Korea met in Finland to discuss peace. Putin and Trump that a arms race is not a good idea. Syrian Army captured the bases of the rebels and found 40 tons of chemical weapons. Q says the FBI is now investigating all the Q posts. Future proves past, this is what we see happening in Austin and with the social media giants, everything is changing and with the Fed raising the interest rates the take down of the economy has just been accelerated.

The BREXIT is not going well, the banks are preparing for a no-deal exit. It is being reported that 1 in 5 retailers are in trouble, more than 12,000 stores are expected to close this year. Congress slipped an amendment into a bill to bail out pension plans. The pension funds are underfunded and the insurance that backs them does not have enough currency to protect them. The spending bill has been passed. Trump is making this move to collapse the central bank system. The house intel probe has come to an end, no collusion discovered. Facebook is trying to cover up what they really do, this is not the only company that sells private data. The push is on to have banks control who can purchase weapons. Turkey claims the captured weapons supplied to the Kurds by the US. Russia and US begin talks on Syria. Rand Paul says the deep state does exist. The push is on to take down the deep state, it is all being setup to bring down the central bank system that funds the deep state, bring those who committed crimes to justice and to reset the entire system. All exists have been blocked, nobody will escape, nobody. pic:Truth, holding a mirror and a serpent (1896). Olin Levi Warner, Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C.

The omnibus bill has been signed by Trump, this bill is 2230 pages long and it is not a budget plan it is a spending bill, the same spending bill Obama used throughout his presidency. This bill allows the president to take control and he can do whatever he wants with the money, this is the final stage, congress will not be allowed to do this ever again. IMF chief Christine Lagarde wants a rainy-day-fund to protect the EU. China releases the Petro Yuan. This is the beginning of the end of the petrodollar. Facebook has been collecting contacts, phone number and everything else. The FTC has opened an official investigation into Facebook, this will spread to the other social media giants. Trump’s new pick John Bolton has everyone scratching their heads why, we must be going to war, this hypothesis is most likely wrong. Once North Korea’s peace talks are concluded, the next stop is Iran, Bolton will be crucial for this plan. Russia says something strange just happened with regards to the chemical database, an entry is missing.Iran want to mine ore in Afghanistan. Kim Jong Un is on his way to China.Q reports that the stage is set, its a go,the clock is activated, 5×5 release coming soon.

The EU is maneuvering to position themselves where the UK will never exit the system. The confidence in the the American economy is fading, the economy has never recovered, we have been living in a central banking illusion. Housing data declines as housing prices surpass the 2008 crisis levels. Mortgage rates are rising and the refis are getting hit hard. The Feds’ indicator show we are in a recession or we are headed for something much, much worse. Paul Manafort’s attorney just moved to have the charges dismissed because Mueller went outside his mandate which was Russian collusion. Boom, the FTC is now investigating Facebook and the investigation will be spreading to Twitter now. Zuckerberg will not hand over information to the UK but is open to testifying in front of congress. The Russian’s are looking to use the blockchain system to handle their elections. UK issues warrant collecting Russian Oligarchs assets.Greece, Austria and other countries will not expel Russian diplomats.Russia wants the US involved in the negotiations with the Taliban. Tunnels were found in Syria, the paid mercenaries used these to move and house the soldiers and equipment. The plan is moving forward, on piece at a time, the deep state believes it has the edge but they will soon see how everything is falling apart much quicker than they expected.

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