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RE: Global Economy: Between A Rock And A Hard Place

in #truth7 years ago

It goes to show that these systems are not being run by "smart" elites with complex, well though out, "master plans" in place. Instead, the system is being run by plain old people - and not very smart ones. Any idiot can see what they are doing wont work and will end in total failure. However, they literally have all the money in the world so it's easy for them to run the system. Worse case, when things fail terribly, go back to the tax payer and force more money out. If that wont work, start a war. None of their kind will fight or die. No biggie....

When you have no account ability, nothing you do is a mistake. Nothing they do has any consequences for them. They can't make any mistakes because mistakes only exist when there are repercussions for ones actions. They have none, therefore everything they do is right and they will never loose. It's a system of one and it was built that way on purpose. The only way out is to make their system obsolete and move on. Crypto's and distributed internet platforms are a good start.