Secret 7 (Part 1) Weiru-Komoko.. 1600 AD (Red Indians)

in #truth2 years ago


Note "John Smith":
My dear memoir... It's a new day of my wonderful days. A new adventure of my adventures that filled your pages... But today's adventure has something loving for me. Discover a new world... I'm moving a big ship with my guys on the West. To a new continent... There are no countries. No disputes. Fertile land for everyone who wants to create anything... I heard that whoever lives on this continent are red Indians wearing feathers on their heads. And I heard they're brutal and hate strangers. And the stranger coming to them will end up cooking in a pot of their saucepans and a group of them dancing around him in brutality and delight.
Here's the land approach. And our ships, tired of crossing the ocean, are overwhelmed. Trees, palms, greens, golden sands, fresh air, and a red Indian holding a spear and being on the ship's side in madness... Oh my god... The angry Indian threw us his spear as Ram's pony. His spear sank into the heart of Chris, the teenage boy whose mind was full of stories of adventurous sailors and who always dreamed of being one of them. But the javelin sank into his heart today in a way that eliminated all the stories and adventures he intended to take. Eliminate everything before it starts. These people are more monstrous than the predatory "Amor" tigers I met in Russia. Poor Chris was the first victim they killed.
The Red Indian escaped quickly. We don't know whether he escaped or went to call the rest of his red peers. Looks like our journey will never be easy. Our ships landed... And we got out of it in careful slow. We started preparing the camp with anxiety and moving our stuff off the ship as we damaged right and left and were motivated when any sound was heard. And that's where the night came. We have not been subjected to any second attack.
Note "Pocahontas":
Bohattan is my kingdom, which includes all the villages loyal to us. "Wiro- Komoko" is my village between those villages... Wan-Sinaka is my father. I love people to my heart. I'm Matuaka, a little 10-year-old daughter, and I love people to my father's heart. My name means "a flower between two Hungarians". My last name is Amanotti. My father is the leader of the whole Kingdom of Bohattan. I'm not his only daughter. My father has about three daughters. As a result of his marriage, he had nearly three wives. But of all these, I was close to his heart. And I was just because I'm Pocahontas, not because of anything else.
Pocahontas is my most famous name. It's a name that makes sense like all our names. It means naughty girl. And naughty means fun and her soul is sweet... Why am I the love to my father's heart? Because when he was married thirty times, he did so out of our tradition that the Kingdom's leader had to marry a girl from every village and give birth to her. The royal blood enters the village and this is a declaration from the village of loyalty to the King. King of the Kingdom of Bohattan... My mother was not married to my father for a political motive. She was the first woman he ever married. And the first woman he loved in his life... Her name was Pocahontas, too. He married her before he even became king of Bohattan. And I was my father's, first baby. My mother died when she gave birth to me. It is my father's grief that blackened his soul. But he didn't want to decide to call me Pocahontas, just like my mom was Pocahontas. To be a breeder of happiness who will come and grab his black grief from within his soul to be an aerosol sparked by the wind.
Quiroz told us some white people had come with their ships as guests on the coasts of our Kingdom. We have advised the Quiroz to court them whenever they are courting and kindly and to show them how good the hospitality of the Bouhattan is. And Quakers, as you would have known, are the clergy in Buhattan. And the shura owners. Indeed, when these white people arrived on our coasts, groups of the best Bhutanese men and women came to greet them with tables of the finest food Wiru-Kumoko... They rejoiced in our welcome. They gave us a lot of precious copper pieces. The copper in Bohattan is like gold in the rest of the world. They were nice white people.
Note "John Smith":
My dear memoir... Four months ago we were here building our camp and preparing our kit. And we repel violent attacks that the Amerindians once in a while were carrying out. They're wild. They're not just savages. They are human meat eaters, as I heard. We've tried to court them more than once. All we got was a trade we had with some of them who came to peace. We give them copper pieces and they give us food. But our stock of food we brought from England was completely out of stock. And we've run out of all the copper pieces that we brought in. And these Indians never give anything for free. So I decided to take my most powerful man and get more into this village. Publicly, we get something that works for eating.
And as we inspect all over that beautiful village I can't believe that its inhabitants are such savage... We saw a group of savage Huskies walking a boat on the river slowly looking at us in a stimulus. And without waiting for a moment, I raised my gun and pointed it at them, intending to remove them from our way. But somebody screamed a brutal, loud cry, and we heard a rustle of trees around us. A dozen of them have emerged. I was dropped into the hands of my men and they turned around. And I turned around with my men intending to run away. I can't cope with all these feathered, predatory creatures. My men ran away and I couldn't get away. I didn't imagine that my end would be so horrible by red-faced people wearing feathers. I tried all my skills to escape, but they trapped me everywhere. I threw my weapon and raised my hand. And I tried to talk to them, but the arrow got caught in my shoulder faster than my talk. Then the world darkened in my eyes. She fell to the ground.
Note "Pocahontas":
Four months have passed since we hosted these white people in our land. One of them was a very handsome man with brown hair. In our view, he was a God of God. In one hand he holds a strict sword and in the other, he holds a stick of thunder. Weird-shaped stick for whoever wants to kill him. The creepy thunder goes up and the man dies. He was terrible. Some Bohattan men were killed that way. The problem is that he was sometimes entering some villages that honored his men. The friend's entry enters her. Then her leader threatens that thunder stick to give him and his men more food. He did this in the days when no one gave them food. We are the people of generosity. But it's impossible to feed more than a hundred men a day for four months. There were days when we didn't give them food. Then they go crazy and this is for the handsome God of the villages for food.
Quechrose never liked this; So they decided to take this god and host it in Wiru- Komoko. Dad updates him and negotiates a lot of things with him. One day my uncle Opi-Shanka came out. Libby's youngest brother. He was very strong. They said "Obi-Shanka" at the river. The handsome God's comrades escaped and he remained alone in the hands of Obi-Shanka and his men. Quiroz was saying that this man is not a God, he is an ordinary human being and the stick of thunder with which this is but a skilfully manufactured human weapon.
OPI-Shanka visited all the tribes while that handsome man was tied behind him. OPI-Shanka did it until he told all the tribes that this man is not a god. And the evidence is that we captured him and tied him up. We're going to King Wan Senaka to see him. Of course, one of the Buhattan men never touched him badly either in the family process itself or while visiting the villages. That's how the great Bohattan morals were.
Note "John Smith":
I suddenly rose. I saw four Red Hordes surrounding me and grabbing me with strong bastards dragging me to a certain place I don't know what... I thought of wriggling them, but I was inside their village of other Red Indians looking at me in curiosity. We walked until they got me into a long, weird building. There's a weird smell in the air. And speaking in the wild language and fine voices, I hear him every time. This building seemed to be of great importance. These people are very rudimentary in their buildings, decorations, their clothes, and their actions. I found myself standing suddenly in front of a man whose uniforms differ from the rest of their costumes. Above his head are a lot more feathers than the rest... He painted his face in strange colors. This is the leader. He's not happy. I don't think she knew how to smile.
In a very rough voice, he said to me, "I don't know how to understand it." I looked at him with surprise and raised my shoulders in the lack of understanding. He seems very angry. But what are all these little girls and girls about? He said something angrily to the men around me. So they galvanized and grabbed me harshly and put me on my back in the middle of this.
Weird room. Then someone took out a long sword and looked at me with a mule. His comrades proved to be bigger mules. My heart fell into fear. These are a few seconds after I was beheaded with this sword. I tried to wriggle away with all my strength, but hey... Almost ten arms are holding me in tightness and lifting my head in a way that shows my neck ready to receive the sword blade... I screamed and screamed. I've heard a lot of angry Indian words that seem like the last words I'll ever hear in my busy life. I looked at the sword with fear. The man with strong hands and creepy eyes raised it. And get ready to get him down on my head. I closed my eyes vigorously and screamed a long scream.
He visited my ears, a sound different from the kind of sounds I hear around me. A female voice was away and then it got close until it was so close. Two thin feminine arms surrounded me in a tender... Blossoming feminine breath I felt on my face... I opened my eyes surprisingly slowly. I saw her. And like I stopped being conscious of everything around me. Every picture around her is covered and her image alone is in my eyes. I saw her screaming, surrounding me, raising her hand in the face of the sword, putting her face in front of my face and neck in front of my neck. A feminine fragrance. Long hair like a piece of the night... And eyes. Eyes, eyelashes, lips... Am I in heaven? There's no way I'm still in that Indian village. She puts her hands on my face in tenderness and looks at my eyes in anxiety and then looks at them in anger.
Pocahontas. That's her name. A young girl at 18. brunette babe... She is the daughter of the angry Indian king... She intervened to protect me from the cruelty of her people. The people were stunned by it and the King did not move from his place and his anger turned to surprise. He told her to speak with a wandering accent. She answered it in an angelic voice with words I wished her sweetness didn't end. Lowering the sword. And the muscles of the men holding me down... Everyone's silence. She spoke "Pocahontas."
Note "Pocahontas":
I was sitting next to my dad as usual. Until Obi-Shanka walked in with the handsome man looking surprised at what was around him. I was 10 years old at the time. It was the first time I saw someone of a different race. I was looking at him in real surprise. My father from his council and his neighborhood, smiling, greeted the Bohattan. The man did not understand anything, of course, but there was a Quiroz man who translated the mascot into his English language. The handsome nodded alive and reached out to shake my father's hand.
My father was a great politician. It's his first responsibility to do what he did in some villages for food. He offered to give him better land than the land on which they built their camps. Kabahusik land. It has fresh water and salt water. And an exit where they can put their ships. He offered to be a village belonging to and loyal to Bhutan. Bohattan will provide them with food, help them build, and marry them the most beautiful bohattan girls.
We only had the handsome guy who knew his name was John Smith for four days. I honored him with great generosity. And I would give him the food myself and play with him and reach out for his golden hair every time. Teach me some English words and teach him some words from our language. The language of Aljonko... Smith agreed to cooperate with us and to offer my father full and unconditional consent. My father asked him to help him against the saboteurs who attack the Kingdom of Bohattan every time. Smith agreed and my father promised to be the Englishman under his command.
Note "John Smith":
After Pocahontas intercepted the sword road like this... People's treatment of me changed to the opposite. She seems to be very much loved among her people. Everyone's been treating me with kindness and giving me food and drink. Their food is weird, but it tastes great. A whole month was spent with the Red Indians in their wonderful village. I would have liked to kidnap the beautiful Pocahontas and run away from this land to a land where only she and I are.


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