My Messages To The World (Part 3)
They say one person can make a difference, and everyone should try.
I believe that each one of us can make a positive impact in the lives of others. All it takes is one. One act of kindness. One act of courage. It doesn't have to be a big action either! That's where people get scared and end up doing nothing. All it takes is something small. Just show that you care.
I like to give free hugs, free food, and give my time and attention freely too. A kind word, a listening all free to give. If you are the sort of person who isn't down for the public, you could do simple, anonymous things to let humanity know someone out there cares. You could write a loving message on a piece of paper, and just leave it like a ninja, somewhere where you know another person will stumble upon it, and it will make their day.
Just think of how you would feel if you found something lovely you didn't expect to find, during your daily drudgery of life...
This sign and I have been from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean and everywhere in between...
Peggy's Cove Lighthouse, Nova Scotia, Canada
Sure I've gotten my fair share of strange looks, but they usually have a smile on their face!
You wouldn't believe how many people actually do want hugs...I've witnessed people break down crying during Free Hugs days, saying it's been years since anyone hugged them. Those are the reasons I kept going back out there, time and time again. Risking rejection, and strange looks, not to mention I have social anxiety. Helping humanity Feel again is worth all the terror I feel getting out there.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Fredricton, New Brunswick, Canada
Qualicum Beach (Vancouver Island), British Columbia, Canada
My trusty sign has a flip side as well...this is a message I read on the internet years and years ago, and it really struck my heart in a profound way.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The best times of all are when we go out in groups, the energy is amazing and it helps the social anxiety problem!
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Sometimes I forget my sign, but that's okay, my husband usually has paper and sharpies in his vehicle!
You don't even have to leave your home, to leave a positive impact. You can post your messages online.
Or put up a sign in your window...
Here's my son and I with our little stand for our garden goods. We are trying to promote bartering, trading and gift economies. It definitely has gotten around our community, and I really hope within 10 years, we are all getting most of our needs met, by each other.
That would be a dream come true. All we can do is keep being the change we wish to see in the world.
And you can too!
Remember to keep it small, your actions don't have to be extravagant to be meaningful and day-changing for others. Just do the care for strangers. This is how we break the matrix! By extending our circle of compassion from only caring about our family and inner circle of friends, to caring about all life on this magnificent planet we all call Home.
Lots of nice have a lot of courage...enviable....thanks for sharing
Thank you Very much for Caring beautiful Lella!
You are an inspiration @lindsaybowes.
I think I'm going to send your post to someone who just asked if we are de-volving.
And thank you for that! There are, indeed, pockets of good and beautify everywhere we turn.
Haha! Right on BlindSquirl! :) I'm honoured dear!
Keep using your signs.
Never underestimate the power of The Butterfly Effect.
Thank you, and I hope the ideas will spread too. Anyone can brighten the day of others, it doesn't take much eh?
Sometimes all it takes is a smile and to hold the door for someone. ;-)
Absolutely correct! Those are definitely the things that make my day!!
Tears of pure happyness and joy trickle my cheek as I type this out.
I am so motivated.
I will begin making my own sign:
"I'm sorry for passing judgement, instead of extending love"
"Free Hugs"
"You matter to Me"
"You Are a Good Person"
Thank you Lyndsay.
Oooooh YAY!!! I'm so happy to have inspired you @healthiswealth!! xoxo That makes me SMILE SO MUCH!!
I am glad your smiling.
Can I ask a favor?
Can you please ask actofkindnesschallenge to maybe send me some referrals for my Steemian-of-the-day posts?
If you just click this tag #ActsOfKindnessChallenge it will take you to the page with all of the entries. :)
Thanks Lyndsay
I LOVE THIS @lyndsaybowes!!!
You are a fantastic bundle of energy potential.
Way to go!!!
Awwww, that brings a big ol' smile to my face, thank you for your enthusiasm and encouragement Rebecca, it's definitely contagious!! xoxooxox :) ***HEART SMILES!
Keep going Lyndsay!! (I know it's not easy for you to overcome the social anxiety piece.)
Thanks Rebecca, one would think it would get easier over time, but it doesn't for me. Every time before we go out I'm pretty much in panic mode, making every excuse possible in my head to stay home. Once I get out there I'm always good to go, it's the pre-action that really gets me anxious. I feel this way with leaving my home for anything though...even to go to the store, or for dinner at my family's house. Even with people I know I am comfortable with, I just have a hard time getting out into society. Thanks for the Empathy Sis!
you miss are so awesome. Keep up the good work. Im here to support!
Big love and hugs, you are such an amazing human being! Thank you for all your wise words, and support.
Thank you so much for your good post. I think love should be our common language. Every human in everywhere understand it and want it.
You are absolutely correct. Love it the language we all understand. I am sending a HUG from us in Canada to you!!
Thanks for making our little blue marble in space just a little bit more beautiful!
Thank you for caring DenmarkGuy <3 <3 <3
People really need it sometimes. great work my friend :)

That is sooooo cute....really has made me smile. Thank you so much dear David <3
That was really thought out and interesting Lindsay I didn't know you were so hardcore! I mean that in a good way- You are the real deal.
By the way Nova Scotia looks beautiful. By the sea...... ya send us some pics and places there too please! I would be soooo happy
Thank you very much Michael, for all your support all the time. You really are a gem, and I'm lucky to have met you, I'm so glad Brendan (hendrix22) found you here on Steemit. Much Love and Solidarity always! I will for sure do a post with some of the most breathtaking spots we have found in Nova Scotia so far, we haven't travelled much yet since living here the last 3 years, yet we have seen some of the beauty this place has to offer!
Much love and hugs to you and your family!
I'm in Texas and waiting on my hug!
Here is a big one for you! (((((((((((((((( O ))))))))))))))))))
That was nice! Is that a kiss in the middle?!?!
O is a HUG Silly!
Ohhhhh. kick a rock lol
Owwwww!! Don't do that :)
It was very small, a symbolic gesture really. Pebble size rock...
HAHAA okay that's good, that's good, hahahaha your comment really made me laugh, thank you! Pebble...lololol