Doing something to get paid, and doing something because it fuels you at a deeper level
A lot of our lives is spent doing things for money. It's sometimes (or often) not because we really care about doing it. We just do it because there's a paycheck involved that motivates us to do it. How much of what we do actually comes from a deeper inner place of yearning desire to get something done?
We don't get paid to exercise, yet many of us do that. We want to achieve something and we set ourselves into action in order to achieve it. For some it's a nicer body and physical appearances. For others it might be better health and longevity. But we're doing it not because we're getting paid, but because it's something we really want for ourselves.
I recently started working again as a tech support agent. It's not something I really want to do with a deeper meaning to myself or my life. It's just something I want to do in order to make money to survive. I don't want to exchange any more crypto or silver for fiat.
I am good at doing tech support. It's certainly more enjoyable than others jobs that I would have to do. We all have to do something to make a living. Tech support isn't really my passion, I'm just good at it. I like to learn and share what I know. I was making discoveries and putting out deep psychological knowledge about how our lives work for free. Then I found in 2016.
I was putting out some of that work on Steemit when I got here, but it's too complex for most people to bother going through. So I stopped posting it so much, and went with less complex content that more people read, and got rewarded more. It doesn't fuel me at as much of a deeper level, but it is related to my interest in truth and trying to awaken people to disturbing things happening in the world.
Truth is my fuel and passion to uncover and share. Important quality truths that can affect change in the world. The light of truth must shine on the darkness of falsity for things to change for the better. I still have original content on topics like morality and consciousness on my site that I'm proud of. But I'll stick to easier to digest content for Steem :) I hope it helps people learn about the world that most don't know about. Steem is a good place to do put out content or info you are passionate about, and also get rewarded :) At least some people use it that way. The whole buying votes part that spawned in 2017 kinda cheapens the place though :/
Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.
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There's a woman I usually listen to/ follow on youtube, her name is Barbara Sher. She is what is now called a life coach or motivational speaker. In one of her public addressess she said the following sentence "If you like food, don't open a restaurant. If you like sex, don't become a hooker". This changed my life. I've been looking to make my passion a source of income ever since I had a clue of what it was, without realizing this just cheapens out the whole activity. What Sher proposes is to get a 'good enough job' to pay the bills, make sure this job doesn't take more energy than what you're willing to give it, and try to have as much time as possible to do what you really want. This way your job is not your full time occupation, but the activities that fill your soul are. Happy soulsmake happy humans, happy humans make a better world (Sher did not say this, I did hahahaha).
I am a translator, I do this for maybe two hours a day and my brain is fried, but I take the rest of the day to be with my family and to do craft projects and to write my thoughts or draw them. My soul is fed.
I'm following now, good post :o)
That is probably the best approach that most of us can do, at least for now anyways. I will check out Barbara. Thanks for the suggestion.
That's a pretty good life philosophy ;) Thanks for the feedback.
Yeah, the two usually don't go hand in hand. I too had to take on a job again that I dislike in order to pay the bills.
I think what makes Steemit (for now) still an awesome dynamic is that despite the paid votes and greedy mechanisms some have created it still allows for other communities where people care and share with one another, even in a financial sense. I suspect that as long as there is a financial possibility there will always be those who scheme to take as much as they can. For a gifting economy to work, it has to be accounted for.
Just curious, but have you ever considered writing a fictional story of a person who undergoes some fantastic struggle as they learn the principles you have been sharing that
Movies and books that do this are often blockbusters (Star Wars, The Matirx, etc).
The desire for money is an issue for sure. Money doesn't corrupt people, people corrupt money. Money is just a medium after all. The psyche/consciousness is the one that perverts things in our world :/
I've though of it, but I'm not one for fiction. I am direct and to the point to elucidate something. The allegorical devices are wonderful, but take so long to brings forth some points. It's good to demonstrate though for a more exemplified understanding, but not something I'm particularly good at ...
Exact. In fact, I would dare to say that when we really want something and believe in it, we are not only able to do it without there being a material benefit, but we are also capable of compromising our properties to achieve it. An example of this is when a father takes all his savings or gets a mortgage loan to pay for the education of his son, although the son is receiving something, the father makes such action because he is committed to the personal growth of the son. The same happens with other things, sometimes, various individuals have given everything, including life, to achieve higher goals. When someone voluntarily does something, and considers it to be the right thing, it does not matter that he does not perceive a material benefit, in fact, he will feel much more satisfied than when he is rewarded for doing something he did not want to do.
Indeed, intrinsic motivation is much more rewarding to the psyche for long-term, while extrinsic incentives are short-term highs but don't last for long-term fulfillment.
Yea man I feel you, I am in the same position. Luckily I fairly ‘like’ what I do but it sure isn’t something I have a love or deep yearning for, sadly. It’s hard to make our hobbies a job, but there’s always way around it and fitting more active life progression around our profession
Yeah, we gotta work to live, and it isn't always what we like to do that is something we can get paid for :/
I share your passion for truth and understanding. That is the whole reason why I am here is to share what I have learned about the world for free in hopes that people get something out if it.
It seems as though we rob people of what they could have done by distracting them with a job that you only have to make money. I personally would much rather be able to focus 100% on what I am passionate about than spend my time doing other things. I am of those that miss your deeper content.
Can you please elaborate on why you no longer want to trade your crypto and silver for fiat?
What if you only HAD to work 3 days every two weeks to ensure water, food and shelter, and everyone else had to do the same, and the rest of your time you could use to do what you wanted, possibly benefit yourself and humanity? That was my idea of an ideal society.
I don't want to exchange those for fiat because they will be worth more in the future. When the economic crisis goes big and fiat crashes the world over, gold and silver should be worth way more.
I could support something like that for sure. Also consider what kind of a world we would live in if all the hidden technologies that the "powers that be" have, anything from free energy, efficiently desalinate ocean water, to the ability to take us to the stars. I'm sure that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface. Those things would revolutionize our world in a heartbeat.
Thank you for sharing your reasons about not trading crypto and silver for fiat. You are totally right, so that makes sense. TP and alcohol should also be worth their weight in gold :)
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Well to be giving a fair statement, life is all about money. All of us are spending their lives to improve our financial condition or for becoming rich. It's not the bad thing as human made money not god.
As people say money can't buy happiness then why we are said when we have no money ?
But if you are working out because you want to become healthier, is that not a form of payment? Dopamine is what the body uses to pay itself, as it is the neurotransmitter that acts as the reward based learning system. As you are jogging or working out, the brain is dumping dopamine along with oxytocin and serotonin. Thus, it is easily said that working out to seek health is working out to get paid. No?