in #truth6 years ago

I watched the Trump Putin conference twice and didn't see a single thig I disagree with - in fact :

1.) 31:20 PUTIN Mr. Browder gave $400 million to the Clinton Campaign - Putin said he would let Mueller interview his 12 indictees if the USA would let Russia interview 1 man - Mr. Bill Browder - who earned more than $1 billion untaxed dollars in Russia and donated $400 million to the Clinton Campaign illegally - interview 1 man in exchange for 12 - Putin says "Please send the request" - LOL!

2.) 40:00 TRUMP mentions the Awan Brothers scandal - the Pakistani spy ring run with top level administator credentials, through the highest offices of Congress - the spy who left a laptop in the most classified server room in the House of Representatives while downloading classified data - a Congress Cop found his bag - checked the creds and THUS the Awan scandal

3.) 43:30 PUTIN ends by mentioning "LOOSE CHANGE" - a Giant Shout Out to the 9/11 Truth Movement - the very name of the movie that first put togther all of the streams of evidence and woke so many up that every part of 9/11 was a provable sham!!! Putin said "LOOSE CHANGE": it as his last words!!!

The truth is that Russia is a Christian Nation that hates Communism and the same Godless Commies that attack us - allied with China, the Kabbalahists and the Saudis - hate them. The Russians BANNED THE ROTHSCHILD EMPIRE !!! That is who runs our Fed, they owned more than 50% of the Vanderbilt, Carnagie, Morgan and even more than 50% of the Rockefeller Empire. The richest known single man on Earth.

China is the issue - and not even a big problem, but the epitomy of a man who cares not for his family, only for his revenge - their entire arrangement is built on destroying us. What China is doing to their people is the occult Dream - Google "Chinese Social Credit Score"

You heard about the Taiwan Flag crash a couple days ago - all iPhones crash if you text an image of the Taiwanese Flag - that is a BJ from Apple to China hacking the iPhone under this huge criteria with a ZERO DAY HACK - and not even a HACK at this point - Apple has a Backdoor as a marketing feature for China. China will build out the Apple cloud, which SUCKS right now, to be as Chinesium as possible in cloning services to be like Amazon and Google (CIA Controlled)

Find a Hacker and ask him or her if that story about a minor bug causing the Taiwan Flag crash on global iPhones was OK or EPICALLY foul cover for a global hack now that Apple servers are located in the Chinese cloud..

Putin says the FBI can come to Russia and participate in interviews with their witnesses if Russia can come to USA and participate in the interview of 1 man - who Putin says paid no taxes in Russia or America but who donated $400,000,000 to the Clinton campaign.

Fair deal right - our corrupt cops come and ask questions at a Russian interview as a cooperating law enforcement agency - let the Russians do the same in this Blendon case

Our FBI won't do it - because our FBI is the Organizing force in our CIA run Organized Crime. These people are an embarrassment.

CNN says "Disgraceful", CIA Head Brennon says Treason, McCain says our President "debased himself" - I watched it twice at slow (1.5) and loved every word! If you are asleep - none of that made sense - so I quoted it for youz.