Do you believe in justice?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #truth8 years ago (edited)


Do you believe in responsibilities?

Do you believe in moral absolutes?

Do you believe in relativity?

Should we lock her or him up?

Do you like Trump?

Do you like Hillary Clinton?

Do you like Obama?

Why are there Hillary For Prison shirts?

Why do hot women support Trump?

Why did Hillary sell Uranium to Russia?

Why do people like Chelsea Clinton?

Do you have your own questions?

Share your own comments and questions here.

Share your photos here.

Do you believe in objectivity over subjectivity?

Why did Hillary silence Bill Clinton Rape victims?

Why are there books written about Bill Clinton is a Rapist?

Why is CNN ISIS?

Who is George Soros?

What is divide and conquer?


I could elaborate for hours on each topic. What's your point @joeyarnoldvn?

Justice? there is no Justice in America, there is only JUSTUS for the Elites.

Too many questions, too little time for self reflection.

You go girl! Keep up the good work and the good questions.... thank you for your courage.