Ushering in Gun Control With Nasim, the YT Shooter
Still can't invade Iran? Haven't been able to pass gun control laws?
Just hit the two birds with one stone...

Step 1
Create a laughing stock & a terrorist out of an eccentric & internet famous Iranian woman.
Step 2
Constantly and consistently shine a light on the fact that she's from Iran, until the masses think all Iranians are terrorists.
Step 3
Give her a catchy name, like a villain from a superhero movie, so the public can be fearfully entertained.
Step 4
Package it up with gun control, and pass out false statistics about how "90% of all Americans want gun control" (😂)
It's comical to see how easily the masses fall for shit. Even if it's obvious enough for a chimp to pick up on..
I haven't watched TV in forever so I don't know the narrative on this story but are they really pushing that kinda BS?