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RE: Apparently the “Solution” to Mass Shootings Is to Turn Schools Into Prisons

in #truth7 years ago

LOL. Government schools are already prisons! ...and as is, the kids are "fish in a barrel". How about this solution from a private school? In effect, training the youth and faculty to become part of a WELL REGULATED MILITIA!

Take special note of the Jewish lady Union Hack whining about what they are doing. Why is it America's Jews, who are actually leading the charge for "gun control" don't learn the underlying cause of the Holocaust: LEGAL DISARMAMENT. Would it have happened if German Jews in the 1930s were armed and well trained in self-defense? Ironically, Israeli Jews seem to get this most basic tenet. WhassupWidDat?
which gun policy works best.JPG


When I grew up most every kid I knew owned at least a hunting rifle.

When I raised my kids, they learned to shoot young, so they wouldn't make stupid mistakes later.

When they went to school, they had access to firearms every day, all day - cuz I homeschooled.

Strange there were no shootings...

I posted this in frustration... mainly because I don't give a rats ass what happens to the kids in government schools; their parasite parents be damned. But because this solution came from a private Christian school, it was particularly interesting to me. Homeschool has many advantages, but not everyone is cut out to teach a kid past 4th grade level. Praise Jesus you had the ability and desire.

Funny thing is, I didn't teach my kids squat. I just found ways for them to sate their thirst for knowledge. Think for a minute about what primarily drives children: they need to learn. They earnestly desire knowledge necessary to be effective adults--it's built into their genes. Just try and stop a kid from learning!

I but arranged venues and facilitated their ability to learn not just what they wanted to know, such as about Indians, astronomy, and etc., but maths (and why maths are good to know, such as fractions being necessary in carpentry), sociology (how to know when folks are trying to trick you into supporting them at significant cost to you) and similar essentials.

Worked great. Eventually, when they hit puberty, there were things I was incapable of teaching them, and I let them enroll in High School. Their exposure there, after their initial giddiness over the social experience, was critical in forming their aversion to institutionalization, and showed that their self-directed education was far superior to the indoctrination they would have been subjected to in public school.

As a single parent working construction full-time, and also refusing to let sitters raise my kids, I just took them to jobsites with me and paid them $10/hour to work. While technically illegal, I never once had a client object. They worked hard for their money, and folks respected them for it.

My kids haven't lived in the area now for years, but folks still remark on their character approvingly. I agree my kids are good people, and it's to their credit. I just didn't let institutions pervert their characters, and their natural tendencies were allowed to shine.

More folks should trust their kids.