in #truth3 years ago


Key Verse:
“But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil” (Matthew 5:37).

Lucius was looking for a less crowded place as he chose the extreme end of an Eatery to have his lunch. There were three persons present at that corner, so he sat at the opposite end. Barely had he settled down when he started overhearing two of the three telling the third person how he should frame the lies he was to tell the court against their opponents. “But I have never done this before”, the third person interjected. “Don’t worry, just be bold and tell the court you were a witness to all that happened. We will credit your account tomorrow”. Lucius could scarcely believe his ears.

In the Old Testament dispensations,people were allowed to take oaths as “an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife” (Hebrews 6:16). But in this new dispensation, the Lord forbids believers from the act of swearing any oaths. Their “yea” must be “yea” and their “nay” nay. That is just enough to convey whatever the believer desires to say.
Many leaders of today swear to oath of office for dispatching their duties in truth and good faith but only creat,loot and share the country's economy handled in their custody.

People of today prefer to lies than telling truth .But the believer is different because his God is Truth personified. He is Light and in Him is no darkness at all. Satan on the other hand is the father of lies and liars (John 8:44). His children therefore, like their father, will also live in lies and falsehood.

People tell lies because of fear of some unpleasant consequences or to gain advantage over others in some leadership positions. But the liar must understand that he can only deceive men and not God. Beyond that, he must know that “all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone...” (Revelation 21:8). It's better to tell the truth always than to suffer for eternity in telling lies. The believer must tell the truth always because he belongs to the God of truth.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Speak the truth always to gain the Kingdom of God.

The Bible Verses : PSALM 61 – 67
Good Morning Precious One with great things in life.
Revised : @Christ-Parvis®