Aliens Are Real. And They Are Coming To Visit!

in #truth3 years ago

Looking for aliens... in the wrong place

Aliens are real

and pretty soon they will be visiting us in a way that leaves no doubt that they are real.

I don't know how to say this, but straight out.
Because the reasons why aliens have been covered up is many fold.

  • TPTshouldn'tB wanting to keep all the tech for themselves.
  • The elite wanting to keep their overlords, the Bugs, a secret
  • Not wanting to collapse society because the big religion basically wrote aliens out of their book.
  • Just too freaky, don't want to think about it.
  • Too easy for a group of people, not technologically advanced enough to think of aliens as their god.

Anyway, aliens have had a fairly strict hands off treaty on the planet earth.
(cause, yes, aliens fucked with the earth, and caused all kinds of problems, and the big boys in the galaxy had to step in)

So, now that we have passed 2012, and we have decided to stay.
(Yes, we could have all decided to leave, and a big meteor, or something, would have come and wiped out all of humanity)
The world is now opening up to alien contact.

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We will start to see more alien disclosure from the media/news/official/unofficial.
We will start to see more flying saucers flying overhead in a way that is fairly obvious.

... and the govern-cements will launch fireworks and such to try to obscure the spectacle.
(prepare for it)

The aliens know that the govern-cements do not serve the people, and they will begin making individual and public contact.

Now, all aliens are not all good and nice.
You still have to approach these things with discernment.

Like, the aforementioned Bugs. They will show up and try to beguile us with words like collective, hive... communism.
(yes, many believe, with good evidence, that the idea of communism came from the elites talking to the Bugs.)
And we should truly say to them, no thank you.

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The really hard thing will be all of our wrong science.

Like, when we try to say the "blue marble" they won't know what we are talking about.
When they say "portals to leave earth" and then their ship sinks into the ground, humans will be scratching their heads.

And then there is God.
Most alien races KNOW God exists, and they will think it strange that many humans can believe that God doesn't exist.

After that, there is the real history of the planet, and the previous alien entanglements, the previous advanced human societies, and all kinds of stuff. Fortunately, the Vatican will have its documents spilled, and a lot of people will be working on true history of humanity.

So, we are going to have a lot of work learning to communicate.
Fortunately, they know all of our foibles, and the ones who will come first are patient

Look forward to it.
(because knowing it is coming lets you get into a frame of mind that allows you to act when the time comes, instead of freezing up)

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All images in this post are my own original creations.