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RE: Why do people hate Donald Trump? - British guy asking for help.

in #trump7 years ago

Hey Darren,
I completely agree with most everything you said. I think that you're 100% right about the Mexican thing, but as a leader (of the so called "free world") again, I think it's important to choose your words carefully. As much as he may think Mexico is their major concern, unless it's his only concern, everyone should be grouped together. Another instance that I can think of and didn't mention is his comments after the KKK rallies.
I can also agree with the female comments and it being hard to watch what you say all the time, especially before you're in power. But once becoming the POTUSA you have to imagine that anything you've ever said may come back to haunt you. I understand where you're coming from, but if I were a female American, it probably wouldn't sit too well with me.
I also understand the bankruptcy thing. I get it's a strategic move and he himself was never bankrupt and out of money. But for someone who is now in charge of the government which is asking for taxes from everyone, rich or poor, it seems like a pretty sleaze ball move and i find it hard to see why anyone would want him running their country.
I don't claim to be a smart guy myself, but totally agree with the fact that he doesn't seem overly intelligent in general let alone for a billionaire (probably because he didn't make the money himself and inherited it) or a president.
Appreciate the response, and I guess we'll have to agree to kind of disagree haha.