The Triumph of Trump

in #trump4 months ago

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Well, it happened, everybody. Donald Trump won the 2024 United States Presidential election. Not only did he win it with 312 electoral votes, he also won the popular vote as well. Something that liberals assured me wasn’t possible in this day and age.

I have spent the last couple of days unwinding and relaxing. I was up all night on Tuesday, and when Pennsylvania finally fell to the crimson tide, it felt like a giant weight had suddenly lifted off of my shoulders.

You know, the funny thing is that I had predicted for months that Trump would win with 312 electoral votes. I was laughed at and mocked, but I never once changed my prediction. Well, guess who is laughing now?

I never bought the spin that the media was pulling on the election, that somehow, Kamala Harris was more popular and would outrun Hillay Clinton and Joe Biden. That this attorney from San Francisco would do well in the rust belt.

I never bought the outrageous polls released by the likes of hacks such as Anne Selzer and Nate Silver, nor did I buy into the subjective application of Mr. Thirteen Keys Alan Lichtman (wonder how he’s doing, lol).

I did buy into the general sentiment that was going through the American population. The economic uncertainty, the lawlessness at the border, the insanity of gender politics, and a political and media class who prefers to talk down to you for daring to raise these concerns.
I tell you what, to see all of these hacks and people who refused to listen for four years get absolutely wrecked on Tuesday was so satisfying. I would argue that it was even more satisfying than 2016, as now all their lawfare and other obstacles that they put in front of Trump completely failed.

We have won a great battle. A battle that the ruling class was assured that they would win. However, just as in 2016, the war has just begun. Our opponents will not go quietly into the night. Donald Trump’s mistake in his first term was playing too nice in the hopes that they would unify. It didn’t work.

They have shown that they need to be beaten down so badly that they can never rise again. A second Trump term must be a term of offense and gains. No more playing on defense. Trump showed during his campaign with his gains in blue states that an offensive strategy works.

Trump must hit the ground running

Already, there are reports of treachery coming in from liberal politicians. The Governor of Massachusetts, Maura Healey, said that she would not allow Massachusetts to assist with the removal of illegal aliens. That she would obstruct such operations.

Great. She can be the first example. I argue that, should she obstruct the enforcement of the law, she and her administration should be labelled as in rebellion to the authority of the United States. The Massachusetts National Guard should be federalized.
Sound harsh? Yeah. You know what though? The libs were arguing for the Texas National Guard to be federalized in response to Governor Abbott’s attempt to secure the Texas border. They wanted to make an example of him for being bold enough to pick up the federal government’s slack.

So yes, I believe that we should resort to harsh measures that the libs would have eagerly inflicted upon us should Harris have won the election. If the libs are so stupid as to cause a constitutional crisis over illegal aliens, so be it.

For Trump to have a smooth transition, we need to have the cabinet approved within the first week. Republicans have a 53-seat majority in the senate. Everyone must be united and ram these people through.

Trump also needs competent people as Attorney General and Homeland Security Secretary. No more Jeff Sessions or Bill Barrs. We need people who can work fast and root out the rot in their respective departments.

We also need competent leadership at the Defense Department. We cannot have a neocon who will only continue the old policies. We need a nationalist who will clean house and reorganize the military apparatus. Rank and file military love Trump, don’t worry what the brass thinks.
There also must be a complete restructuring of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other intelligence agencies. Get rid of the swamp creatures at the top.
Use Schedule F to enact a full-scale purge of the federal bureaucracy. John McEntee was a great asset, use him.

Do all of that first, and everything else will be a heck of a lot easier at the federal level.

Trump must engage in dialogue with adversarial leadership

He is going to be inheriting Biden/Harris’ mess regarding foreign policy. Brutal wars in Ukraine and Israel were only getting worse as time went on. These are wars that we never should have instigated or gotten involved in.

Trump should use his good relationship with Vladimir Putin to have a sitdown between himself, Putin, and Zelensky. Negotiations need to be held on the future of Ukraine and the occupied territories.

From what I have heard so far, the Trump strategy in Ukraine will be an end to the war, not for Ukraine to retake territory lost to Moscow. Whatever he and Putin decide, Zelensky won’t have much of a choice in the matter considering how the US has bankrolled his country.
We must also have constructive dialogue with the Iranians, North Koreans, and Chinese. There needs to be a settlement on the Israeli Palestinian issue otherwise this is just going to keep happening for the rest of time.

It is time that we recognize that the era of unipolarity is over, and that we are moving into a multipolar world. We must recognize that there is an American sphere, a Russian sphere, and a Chinese sphere. Respectful competition, not conflict, should fuel our drive.

In a way, the actions of the United States post-1991 to preserve our superpower status led to the downfall of the unipolar world. Our active antagonization of Russian and Chinese governments who were willing to work with us drove them to rearm and reassert.

Trump needs to pardon the political prisoners

One of his first acts in office needs to be to pardon everyone involved in January 6th. Those men and women have been unjustly imprisoned. They have suffered for four long years. They should only have to suffer for two more months.

I also argue that he should pardon Derek Chauvin. He was only imprisoned to calm a situation that was never going to be satisfied anyways. He has faced dangers in prison, including being stabbed.

Also pardon Daniel Penny, who has been unjustly charged for defending subway passengers against a homeless black man who was creating a disturbance. In fact, Trump ought to go over a bunch of racially charged cases in his free time and just start pardoning people because there are so many examples it is ridiculous.

If he fails to pardon the January 6th prisoners at the least than we will know that he is doing something completely wrong. To not do so would be a complete betrayal of voters who would take a bullet for you.


Victory is here. Revel in it. We have two months of rest before we have to go into offensive overdrive. The libs will continue to have their meltdowns. They have two months until doomsday.

That being said, we must stay vigilant and on the lookout for saboteurs and bad actors that will seek to destroy our success from the inside. These people must be rooted out, exposed, and destroyed before they can take root.

I am of the belief that Trump’s second term will be much more successful and radical than his first. He has a vision, he has people around him who also share that vision, and if they dominate the scene, they can succeed.

Regardless of what happens, it is going to be a wild four years and America will be radically changed by the end of it.