by SGT,
President Trump attempted to do something very kind for this Marine as he boarded the Marine One Presidential helicopter upon returning to the United States after the G20 summit in Hamburg Germany.
With history as prologue, we know it's something President Obama never did when he had the chance.
Thanks for tuning in.
I have secrtely supported Trump and get angry whenever people call him a racist. My students believe he is because of what they hear from their parents. But to me, all that Trump has done, start from America first to encouraging people to pursue peace in their country rather than setting their country ablaze and run to peaceful countries as refugee, are all for the benefit of the Americans and the world at large. I will make a post on that soon.
here you go have an upvote
Trump is great. He is not perfect, but crooked Hillary would have been a complete disaster. Trump has little support from either party of hacks.
Completely agreed. She wanted open Hemispheric borders and wanted to bring in unlimited immigrants. Nothing wrong with immigrants, but when you bring in too many it dilutes our culture and our values change. America should stay how it is but be improved over time to have more freedoms.
I think there was no difference between the two. Just one answers to soros and the other to kissinger. Everybody on the same team
have a upvote on me
Thanks! New on steem, still getting the hang of it.
one for you
Thanks for the video. Maybe they should get rid of CNN and get SGTReport instead :) Always love your content!
Thanks saved4newlife, following you now since you're so kind!
Wow I'm honored! Thank you so much!!! :)
I follow only Steem :-)
upvotes for everybody !!
you did good with this post and thank you for it
Is that the true story? Wow, I had heard that he stole the Marines hat.

Just need to add the CNN logo and it is ready to go. Haha.
Its right on the bottom right corner. :)
Must have missed it, still good though. Made me laugh.
Is this a true shot of CNN? Did they really say he stole his hat and slapped Marine?
No, lol. But I wouldn't put it past them.
I saw that clip too and I tought it was very strange! Thanks @sgtreport for showing the true story.
Yea, the real story is public. This is a joke about CNN's fake news practices.
Good one!
Thank you newschannel428. I take heat in my YT channel comments section whenever I say nice things about this man, but I do it any way when it's merited - which is fairly often in Trump's case.
Smart enough to know to be kind to the guys who protect his a$*!
Trump always did have respect for the veterans! (except for that one time.. with ya know, Joe. Oh boy.)
It is great to see someone willing to understand how to treat other people. I find it interesting that so many in media try to paint him as a bad person.
He loves America
Trump, yeah, he's a real hero for picking up a hat. What a guy.
Sorry man. I love Obama, you can't judge a person solely on this. Trump is so unprofessional and has no respect for others, hence others don't respect him.. proven by the world leaders in the G20 summit. I did like your video btw,, good gester on his part!
Putin seem to respected him enough The rest are Muslim loving puppets so who cares? In a few years when countries like Germany and Sweden will burn you will be glad he is your president.