Anti- Trumpsters wishing for His Assassination ?

in #trump7 years ago (edited)

Okay, I am not a fan of Trumps but com'on folks, he is not a murderous Dictator.

What I have Heard

My cousin came over to my house recently. She said her friend told her that she "wished someone would just put him out of his misery with a clean shot to the head ". I also have heard similar rhetoric among other people around me who make snide comments alluding to the President being violently terminated.

Folks, let's remember that Trump has not ordered the killings of any US civilians. He is not a dictator in the same light as a Pol Pot or Saddam Hussein.

What Would I like ??

To be frank, I sincerely wanted Trump to prove me wrong and turn out to be a kick ass Leader. To his credit, the nation and our Economy has seemed to get back on track. There is no question about that.

But Trump being Trump has caused our Nation to be unnecessarily divided. He has been the cause of so much Strive among different groups in our Nation. He has made it permissible for people to be mean and vile towards others who have differing opinions.

I would prefer he get the next three years over with , and our Nation would go on to another person who can actually Lead our Country and NOT divide it. Whether that be a Republican or Democrat, I really don't care

Lessons Learned from Donald J. Trump

  • That we should rethink how we elect a candidate for the most powerful position in the World.

  • That would should rethink about electing someone who has zero political experience

  • That we should rethink about electing a TV reality Star


I just hope that as Americans we don't lose our Humanity and become numb towards the act of indecency and vileness.
For the people who are wishing Trump to be "taken out"...well you're no better than the ones who are backing him up with their own brand of hate and strife.

Let's please do not stoop to such Beliefs. Let's go high when they hit bout it folks :)



Anyone who believes President Trump is unfit to lead the United States is listening instead of learning on their own. Citizens should be objective and find ways to volunteer for the sake of their neighbors and their country regardless of their political leanings.

Good thought....I admire your assertion...."listening instead of learning"

Anyone who believes President Trump is unfit to lead the United States is listening instead of learning on their own

Nope. That's rather flawed logic. I am listening and learning. The two are NOT mutually exclusive !!

Iam listening and seeing Trump one moment praises DACA and says put it in front of him and he is ready to sign the documents to get it passed. And then 2 days later is talking about sh!thole countries and says that he will NOT sign anything unless the Wall is thrown in there.

And Iam learning that this man is totally persuaded by his Base of people. And speaks without thinking and without using common sense.

That's what I'm learning each and everyday that he does not understand the nuances of how to run a Country and bring people together.

Actually I'm being totally objective while both listening and learning ;)

Hi, nice to see you are al least trying to see both side of the senario. Just find it a little hard to stomach your attemt to claim that the country is so divided because of Pres Trump. I feel this divide has always been around even has been worse in the past its just because of technology we can see and hear just about everything that happens on this planet and everyone with a cell phone can have a opinion about it. Combine this with 8 years of oboma and now trudea trying to turn the west into islamic county. Pres Trump is just the effect of the masses trying to be herd since obumer has tried to silence them so tirelessly with all his censorship tactics. Liking Pres Trump or not he has acctually followed thru with his promisses from the campain and continues to impress by standing up for America first. That being said anytime anyone calls for the death of anyone this is a crime and should be dealt with to that fact. Open diolog is the only way to learn and tollerate each other however when you have no argument because your opinion is not in line with reality and just spit out you are a rasict bigot etc. this tends to make the divide even worse especially when you have MSM cheerleading for this delusion. THINK POSITIVE VERIFY INFO DONT JUST TAKE SOMEONE ELSES OPINION AS TRUTH DO THE RESEARCH YOU WILL FEEL EMPOWERED AND SUPRIZED. PEACE, LOVE and HAPPINESS TO ALL

Thanks @mkkush. Sure there has been divide among people in US. But when you have a Leader who openly tries to Censor anyone who has an opinion that is different than his or anyone who says something that he doesn't agree with....then you have a problem.

The scary thing is Trump has FURTHER divided our Country. And what's the most scariest is that he has made it okay to openly talk Hatred and Ugliness to people because they believe different he does !!

#Fakenews to Donald Trump is when the Press reveals something about him that is negative.

This by nature is somewhat dictorial !!

Bottom Line : A Skilled Leader is someone who is able to build a Coalition bringing people from ALL backgrounds together. All Trump is doing is playing to his base which is mostly composed of white middle age to elderly Americans.

Of course there are exceptions but that's the majority..

I see your from Canada. That's great but tell me what you know about living in South East United States ?? I will be patiently waiting to here your input on this. And this is relevant to the situation. Why ?? Because talk is cheap. But talk backed by actual circumstances and being in those circumstances each and everyday is a lot more credible.

South East United States I can name a few good things but im sure you have done the research already. The question in my mind is how has he made it worse than any other candidate would have and just because you dont like the blunt way he talks doesnt mean he is not very affective at getting his agenda done it seems quite fasinating to be honest. but i can see some people get very bent outta shape over words that we use as tools. these are tactics sir, Pres Trump is playing 4D chess everyone else still playing GO FISH

I think he's doing a great survice to everyone in the long run. Its obsurd to have any one person have as much power as a president in the first place to think one person can in a sense speak for millions is crazy. theres always opposing sides to anything in this world this is just the reality we live in. No one said it would be easy to live in a free country you have to resect one another but thier is those opposites out there only way to get past them is to be honest and speak your heart. Eventually things will become to transparent to hide the truth.

Not trying to be a cheerleader here im trying to understand all sides of anything worth the effort I dont agree with Pres Trump on a lot of things and have noticed that when he becomes more informed on any issue he tends to fined commin ground and work from there for the best solution.
Cheers man hope its not to hard for you down there best of luck to you.

Trump did a 180 and became part of the swamp. The only thing he can do at this point is get another judge in the court that will be constitutional. I'll be happy with that. When the market crashes, it will be blamed on him. In a debate he said that the market was a big fat bubble; after getting in he is taking credit for it. He is doomed to take the fall when the bond market finally melts down but if he would have only stuck with his campaign stance.....

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