Why Trump is the Swamp, but not for the reasons you think!

in #trump6 years ago

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Image Courtesy Time.com

For those of you thinking Donald Trump plays 4-D chess and is always a step ahead of everyone, allow me to paint a different picture of a draft doger obsessed by the military , who would have squandered the millions his daddy left him if not for for his powerful connections. Connections who are at war with other powerful people. Neocons and neoliberals, high up Dems and GOP are two sides of the same coin on issues of monetary and foreign policy, I don't mean them, but rather deep state apparatus seeking to enforce US hegemony and the old money banking dynasties seeking to cast aside the USD and introduce the IMFs SDR. But that comes much later. First the backstory.

In The 1950's CIA director Allan Dulles along with David Rockerfeller established a front company for laundering CIA and Mossad black ops money. Benignly named the Mary Carter Paint Company. Due to the amounts of money involved and so as not to blow their cover, they changed their name to Resorts International in 1963. That way they were positioning themselves under the capable leadership of CIA asset David Crosby (with the help of mob connections) for the casino trade in Atlantic City, the premier model for money laundering of off buget operations as developed by mafia. In 1987 Crosby died and RI's chairman, Mayer Lansky (a known Mossad asset) sought legitimate investment to replace Crosby's and found an up and coming property tycoon called Donald Trump, notorious for wanting a reputation and mob connections Trump bought up Crosby's controlling interest in Resorts International.

Trump followed strictly conditionalities of RI's chief financiers Tibor Rosenbaum and Baron Edmond De Rothschild by allowing the CIA to continue certain irregular financial practices and would later be rewarded for this. Trump was almost ruined and in massive debt after the 80's real estate crash shortly thereafter, at which time he came to the attention of Wilbur Ross of Rothschild Incorporated.



Trump speaks at length about these affairs in his book "The Art Of The Deal" and appears to relish these notorious connections and fancies himself some sort of debt king, rather than being ashamed of selling his soul to the devil.

Years later Ross would fund Trumps campaign... just because he's a nice guy.

And Trump would give him the position key for making policy changes that would later be required in the business, trade and energy sectors by the Rothschild shadow government now that they were in full control after orchestrating a strategic divestment of the Rockerfeller clan from oil to better synch aligned monoplies and establish Genie Energy, which by clever shareholder arrangement is Israeli owned.

For detailed information on Genie Energy please read my post "The Genie is out of the bottle".
Genie Oil, a subsidery which has Baron Jacob Rothschild, Dick Cheney and Rupert Murdoch sitting on its board, was granted exclusive prospecting rights in Syrias Golan Heights by a Israels PM Benjamin Nethanyahu. Bibi used to sleep in Trumps son-in-laws bedroom rather than the guest bedroom when he visited the US. One would imagine Jared Kushner would have slept elsewhere when that happened...

To be continued...