Trump wants Greenland because of its Vanadium.

in #trump3 months ago


I know this for a fact.

So much for the millions of people who work in the press or bloggers. They seem to know nothing, over and over and over.

Not one person within the span of Perplexity’s search has pointed out the original and core reason Trump wants Greenland so badly.

“Based on the search results provided, there is no specific mention of Vanadium as the primary reason for Trump’s interest in Greenland. While various minerals and resources are discussed as potential motivations, Vanadium is not singled out as a key factor.”

How many tons of proven reserves of Vanadium do China and Russia have vs. the USA?

4.4 MILLION tons and 5 MILLION tons respectively vs. a puny and pathetic 45 THOUSAND tons for the USA.

That’s 209 times as much in China and Russia as the USA or 20,900% more of a critical AEROSPACE resource.

USA cannot lead in military and commercial space without Vanadium and most of the Vanadium is in four of the five core members of BRICS!

“Greenland has significant potential for vanadium resources, but exact reserve estimates are not available. Here are the key points about vanadium in Greenland and other countries:
Greenland’s Vanadium Potential
• Greenland is considered to have high or moderate potential for vanadium resources.
• Almost the entire ice-free area of Greenland holds potential for critical minerals, including vanadium.
• Several exploration and mining projects in Greenland are focused on vanadium, among other critical minerals.
• The potential for new vanadium discoveries in Greenland is considered significant.
Other Countries with Vanadium
The top vanadium-producing countries and their estimated reserves are:

  1. China
    • Production: 68,000 metric tons (2023)
    • Reserves: 4,400,000 metric tons
  2. Russia
    • Production: 20,000 metric tons (2023)
    • Reserves: 5,000,000 metric tons
  3. South Africa
    • Production: 9,100 metric tons (2023)
    • Reserves: 750,000 metric tons
  4. Brazil
    • Production: 6,400 metric tons (2023)
    • Reserves: 120,000 metric tons
    Other countries with notable vanadium resources include:
    • Australia: 128,500,000 metric tons of reserves
    • United States: 45,000 metric tons of reserves
    It’s worth noting that global vanadium resources are estimated to exceed 63 million tons. Vanadium often occurs in deposits of phosphate rock, titaniferous magnetite, and uraniferous sandstone and siltstone, as well as in bauxite and carboniferous materials like coal, crude oil, oil shale, and tar sands.
    While Greenland’s exact vanadium reserves are not quantified, its geological potential suggests it could become an important source of vanadium and other critical minerals in the future.”