in #trump7 years ago

#HurricaneDick #Trump #StateofMerica

Unreal thisw is MY PREZ and if u don't sopoort him go to SOmalie and see if u can be free you dumass""!!



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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Laugh out loud funny hahahaha I needed that.

Lol thanks for the laughs :D

Manafort flipped. Pass the popcorn!


Great translation. :)
"Funny" some people don't get it.

sniff brought a tear to me eye. 😭God bless Comrade Drumpf and god bless 'merica! That's my president!!!

Worst dubbing ever. I've seen 60's kung fu films that have better line dubbing than this.

0/10 would not watch again. :D

Yes, we should not support him,he is crazy guy,

Trump is the best President the US has had in a long long time.... he's not bought out and paid for by lobbyists... he's already a billionaire so he doesn't need money to be controlled like a puppet.

Maybe muslims shouldn't be so damn violent and hate the Jews and everyone else that's different sooo much. Then we wouldn't have so many problems in the middle east and we wouldn't need so much war and drone strikes over there....


If the facts about his drone policy and dead kids don’t bother you, perhaps some reflection is in order.

Yeah, I'm programmed to understand that everything isn't black and white and you can't just hate a President because he's not a liberal and then actually think you are intelligent.

And that’s not why I hate him, but you are probably to stupid to understand that.


Although, unlike yourself, I am NOT too stupid to spell "too" correctly. PEACE.

Lol. Thanks, buddy. Blessings. For real. Not sure why this video pissed you off so much (was just having a laugh), but....whatever. I ges u are to gud for it.

Just messin around bro... It's the internet... I guess that's what it's made for.. that or we're just using it wrong. lol